The Clarinet BBoard
Author: willie
Date: 2001-11-03 05:10
I don't see too many Boosey & Hawks clarinets and I'm not really that familiar with their line. Can anyone tell me where a model 2-20 falls in their line up?
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Author: jbutler
Date: 2001-11-03 20:15
I really don't know Wilie, but I saw the Boosey in the title and thought I would throw out that since the "merger" with Rico and relocating to CA, there has been a report on the repair tech board that the same company the owns the Guitar Center is buying up Boosey stock. I haven't read anything in a trade magazine...too busy...but if it is true it could get interesting.
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Author: Justice C. Bigler
Date: 2001-11-03 23:11
This is some interesting information.
None of any of this may be completely correct, but it seems there is something going on. This is the second place that I have come across a story about Boosey and Hawkes in the same week.
There was some discussion earlier in the week on the saxophones news groups about Boosey and Hawkes being split up and sold off.
What is the address for that repair tech message baord?
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2001-11-04 16:11
Willie -
As I recall, the B&H 2-20 is a student instrument, one step up from their bottom of the line 1-10. If you look through the archives, the general advice is that if you want an intermediate level B&H, go for "The Edgeware" model, which is a step up from the 2-20, and goes for less on eBay than equivalent models from the Big 4. However, you need to be careful with B&H instruments, since many of them have the English bore, which won't play in tune with a Frenth (i.e., American) style mouthpiece.
Best regards.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2001-11-04 16:11
Willie -
As I recall, the B&H 2-20 is a student instrument, one step up from their bottom of the line 1-10. If you look through the archives, the general advice is that if you want an intermediate level B&H, go for "The Edgeware" model, which is a step up from the 2-20, and goes for less on eBay than equivalent models from the Big 4. However, you need to be careful with B&H instruments, since many of them have the English bore, which won't play in tune with a French (i.e., American) style mouthpiece.
Best regards.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Peter
Date: 2001-11-05 03:13
I couldn't possibly hurt them. Except whare Francois Kloc is concerned, their general customer service practices are so bad that I'm surprised they are still in business!!!
Their music division doesn't answer e-mails and takes months to deliver a piece of music, if at all.
When they are not going to deliver, they won't tell you so you can go find it someplace else.
Their Hofner divisin manager is rude and gives you the impression that nothing is his problem.
Their people, in general are unresponsive to any inquiry on their general contact numbers and e-mail addresses.
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