The Clarinet BBoard
Author: dave
Date: 2001-10-31 20:54
I have recently developed asthma and despite several months of trying to
find the right combination of medications, am still unable to breath well.
It has forced me to drop out of the group I play with (temporarily I hope!) I'd like to hear
from others with asthma and how they cope with playing. I find I can't play for
long without becoming extremely breathless and when I need to take a breath, I
just can't get the air in quick enough - even when I use my inhalers.
I am extremely frustrated at this point, not only because I can't seem to get
this under control, but because I get so much enjoyment from playing and I
don't want to have to give it up. Help!!!!
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Author: dan powell
Date: 2001-10-31 22:38
i am a life long asthma sufferer. have you tried FLOVENT &SERAVENT inhalers?these have helped me some. the best for me is to take a pill called THEOPHYLLINE 1/2 hour before i need to play. this opens up my lungs to give me enough wind power . i even have to play bari sax sometimes. no fun with asthma. the really good stuff MARAX has been taken off the market. to bad it was really the best thing i ever tried.
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Author: Tam Ngo
Date: 2001-11-01 00:12
are you on albuterol?
sometimes the inhalers aren't enough. maybe you're using the inhaler improperly. many people just spray it into their throat. If there's a bitter taste, you're doing it wrong. Maybe you should ger some kind of spacer like an aerochamber
you should get a nebulizer. they're much more effective.
*******when your inhaler isn't enough, something is wrong...
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Author: Helen
Date: 2001-11-01 09:59
If you've only just got asthma,the doctors need to find the right treatment for YOU. Don't worry that ther may be something wrong, but tell your docs the problem and they may try something else. everyone's asthma is different!
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Author: GBK
Date: 2001-11-01 16:17
There was an excellent article in "The Clarinet" magazine, volume 24 no. 2, Feb/Mar 97 entitled "Asthma and the Clarinet". The back issue is probably still available from the ICA. ...GBK
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Author: Laura
Date: 2001-11-01 18:51
My teacher has been suffering from asthma since he was very young. His doctor told him to start playing an instrument to help build up his lungs and that is how he got into music. He still plays today and still suffers from asthma, but not as severe. When he does have problems he goes to a good accupuncturist.
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Author: dave
Date: 2001-11-01 21:03
Thanks for all your insight. I've been through a regimen of different inhalers.
Currently I'm using the advair inhaler and singulair as maintenance with an
albuterol inhaler for urgent use. I sometimes use the albuterol before practicing
and that does help somewhat. In addition, I've been on several rounds of
prednisone and antibiotics without significant improvement. I am hopeful that
once it is brought under control, and/or I figure out what the trigger is, that I'll
get back to a more or less normal state. I'm thinking of rejoining the group
this week and playing as best I can. If nothing else I can use the practice and
maybe it will help to improve my lung capacity!
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Author: Ted Donaldson
Date: 2001-11-03 13:19
I have minor athsma, and it doesn't affect my playing at all... unless i have had it my whole life and have just learned around it. I can hold a note on the bass for around 12 counts and soprano for around 30 counts...
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