The Clarinet BBoard
Author: donald nicholls
Date: 2001-10-28 10:26
can anyone suggest some classic "numbers" for mouthpieces in the 1.2mm tip opening range- all my "shedules" are for closer mouthpieces in the 1mm to 1.10 range, but i'm going to do some refacing work for a player who wants something in the 1.20mm range. It would be good to just learn what other recomend and to able to compare that to this guys existing mouthpiece.
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Author: Gregory Smith
Date: 2001-10-28 15:07
You probably know this already but I would recommend as a starting point measuring two stock mouthpieces - the B45 and the Selmer C85-120, both with those size tip openings (sorry I don't have them on the tip of my tongue). This is not to say that I have ever recommend either of these two mouthpieces but that you will see that the schedule is completely different due to the different style interiors of each of these mouthpieces.
So in my opinion, it all depends on what original mouthpiece (blank) it is that you are putting the facing on. As you may know, but some of the readers of this forum may not, is that one has to also adjust the numbers by experimenting to fit the interior dimensions viv-a-vis the player . Hopefully you will be sitting with the player at the time of adjustment and also know what strength and style reed that they play or alternatively know this player well enough to have their existing mthpc/reed combination in hand to play and make comparisons with.
Hope this helps.
Gregory Smith
Evanston, Illinois.
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Author: Wes
Date: 2001-10-28 21:37
You probably have allready checked the VanDoren literature for their opening measurements. Another source of data is the WW&BW and Wiener catalogs. People have found that, for one reason or another, measurement results vary depending upon the measuring tool used.
Generally, for me, the last item I worry about in refacing mouthpieces is the measurement of the opening. There is usually so much else to be fixed(the table, the curve, the rails, the tip, etc) that needs to be done before the tip opening can be a factor. Good luck.
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Author: donald nicholls
Date: 2001-10-28 21:50
Thanks for your advice- the problem is that no one i know plays anything that open, except for students of a certain teacher who has already "messed around" with their B45s and Selmers. I don't want to COPY a B45 but rather get an idea "where it is" (i have already measured two that differed greatly- the more numbers i get the better idea i have "what ball park" i am in, in this respect i would treat any response as adding to a pool of statistics rather than providing a template for me to copy).
Incidentally, many local players here in NZ complain that "you can't play loudly" on the closer mouthpieces- which is more likely to be because of their reed selection (or lack of any kind of embrochure... oooops embouchure) than anything else, but i don't bother arguing with them anymore. I've moved from 1.05 to 1.10 in the last year and find it easier to adjust reeds but at the end of the day i'm not playing any louder, and i'm not playing any softer than the B45 crowd.
The player who inspired my first posting (see above) is actually a really really good player from Australia who sounds fabulous and just recently beat me in an audition- but uses an old B45 that i wouldn't touch. His interest in looking for a new mouthpiece didn't come from me hassling him, but from him spending a few minutes of orchestra tea break playing my Zinner (refaced in the 1.10 region).
Thanks to Mr Smith for his helpful advice- it's great to see someone so respected being prepared to give advice to the "little people" (Mr Smith- you also told me my rhythm sucked in 1998 at Clarinetfest 98, and i took heed!).
If anyone else wants to "add their 10cents worth" (an old nz expression) please do!
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Author: Gregory Smith
Date: 2001-10-28 23:30
Thanks donald - but I hope I didn't literally write "sucked" on your (or anyone else's) comment sheet!
G. Smith
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Author: donald nicholls
Date: 2001-10-29 10:19
I would like to confirm that Mr Gregory Smith did not use the word "sucked", i think it was something more like "would not get through the first round of a CSO audition because of rhythmic inacuracy"... but the message was there- FIND A WAY TO IMPROVE and sometimes it's really important to be told in the most direct way. For years people told me i needed to improve my rhythm and i said to them "oh, i know" and never did much about it. But this time, for some reason, i really realised that i needed to seriously address my shortcomings. I have, now my timing is perfect (joking somewhat, but i have definately improved).
Dear Wes- i agree with you more or less, but this is exactly why i asked people for their measurements..... i guess i'm just lazy, i'll go down to the music store with my measuring kit (which, i know, may or may not be acurate) and measure a whole bunch of mouthpieces, except that here in NZ it will amount to- ONE b45, ONE c85-120 and MAYBE a Bay. Actually, why isn't there a web site with this sort of info on it? Tip openings (and sometimes the length of the lay, but not often an actual measurement) seem to be all you find out. Mr Peter Eaton doesn't even think we should bother with this stuff- his computerised mouthpiece machine knows exactly what we should be playing and our little gagues for measuring it are useless- i read that on his website, the internet is SO informative sometimes, now i know EVERYTHING about mouthpieces!
must sleep, then keep finding a way to improve.
(this isn't suposed to sound grumpy by the way)
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