The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Mario
Date: 2001-10-16 21:48
Lucky me! Today, I ran into a fine flutist (and a beautiful woman as well) who, like me, is a passionate amateur combining a busy professional schedule with a love of our instrument. We have decided to try a few sessions of duo music to test the chemistry (musical chemistry of course...).
Looking at the Luyben catalog, there are tons of stuff for this combination. But I would like to target the best pieces from this vast collection.
We are both at a level of proficiency corresponding to a university student (say, 2nd year).
I would love suggestions for fine pieces for clarinet and flute. We have access to great pianists as well, so trio music is welcome.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Author: Bob Arney
Date: 2001-10-16 23:31
Mario, I hope you make beautiful music together. "...a beautiful woman as well) who, like me, is a passionate amateur ..." But be carefull about all that passion. Try some of the more "romantic composers".
Bob A
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Author: Brian Peterson
Date: 2001-10-17 01:49
Check out the sneezy composition data base. It's about as comprehensive a list as you'll find anywhere.
I've been part of an amateur clarinet/flute/piano trio for about the past nine months. We have a great time playing together. Our repetoire includes: the Trio Sonatine by Florent Schmitt, an arrangement of a few of Brahms' Hungarian Dances, an Ibert aria, a Mendelsohn Tarentella along with an arrangement of Debussy's Afternoon of a Faun which we haven't really begun to tackle.
Much luck. If you like, drop me an e-mail sometime. We'd love to correspond with other amateur folks like us.
Brian Peterson
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2001-10-17 01:53
Danzi would be a good one.
There are others including this. You can find in a Victor's CD played by James Galway(flute) and Sabine Myer(clarinet).
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2001-10-17 03:43
Hi Mario,
Rutter, 3 American Miniatures. Great fun and a crowd pleaser.
Also, Voxman's second book of duets for clarinet and flute (the more advanced one) is an inexpensive source of some worthwhile music.
Best regards,
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Author: Gene Wie
Date: 2001-10-17 03:50
Webster has a work out called "Carmen Rhapsody" for flute, clarinet in piano, and it's published by International Music. You can all probably guess...
A lot of fun, and material people recognize. =)
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2001-10-17 14:04
Mario -
The Saint-Saens Tarantelle for flute, clarinet and piano is one of the best pieces for this combination. The piano part is not too hard, but the flute and clarinet parts call for a good bit of finger speed at the end. Also, it calls for clarinet A.
Best regards.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Brian Peterson
Date: 2001-10-17 16:52
When I said Mendelsohn, I meant Saint-Saens. Although I can't seem to get the composer's names right, I concur with Ken that the above mentioned Tarentelle is a neat, fun piece for this particular ensemble configuration.
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Author: Katfish
Date: 2001-10-18 12:39
There is a Jolivet piece I believe called Sonatina for this combination that is very nice.
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Author: Mario
Date: 2001-10-24 12:32
Thank you very much everybody. I went to my favorite sheet music store (Archambault), and sure enough, they had (as usual) all the pieces mentioned above.
Yesterday night, we sight read (as our first session together) the St-Saens, Debussy, Rutter (the hit of the evening I might add) and the Jolivet. All these pieces are excellent and worthy of long-term work.
I also found a Villa-Lobos (Chrono 2) which is simply amazing.
At our next session, we will sight read a few more and decide on our program.
There is something interesting from Myscinsky (sic) (The "Time Piece" guy) which looks very good too.
My new best friend is as crazy about the flute as I am about the clarinet. The "Master of the house" had to put a stop to it at 11:30 (we had been at it since 7:00 PM). This is truly the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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