The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ted Donaldson
Date: 2001-09-17 23:30
Do any of my fellow clarineters have either of these services? The only music contact I have right now is a basoon player in tennesee. It is very nice to talk in real time though. If you have a screen name for either of these just post it here.
I will start us off.
Ted Donaldson
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Author: Francesca
Date: 2001-09-18 04:58
QueenNeume (music history buffs, can you describe a neume?) *giggle*
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Author: Graham Golden
Date: 2001-09-18 22:13
Clarinetcrackers Everyone asks, so i will just explain. I love the clarinet (obviously) and my name Graham Golden lends itself to crackers ( Graham Crackers, or the cereal Golden Grahams etc)
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Author: David Pegel
Date: 2001-09-19 00:34
Damuzikman1 (Obvious meaning if you can read it.)
PegelthePsycho4 (My reputation at school.)
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Author: Azzacca
Date: 2001-09-19 02:45
Here's a big surprise: Azzacca.
However, I have mine set up as only people who are on my buddy list are allowed to send me AIM's (has to do with a problem at work and a co-worker I don't want AIM's from unless necessary) - so if you decide you would like to AIM me, you'll have to email me first...
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Author: Casey
Date: 2001-10-28 18:06
yea i know i reply late. i was bored, i searched far back.
ya still want to know?
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