The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tim2
Date: 1999-05-16 03:17
I just got a copy of David Pino's book, "The Clarinet and Clarinet Playing." This is impressive. I have read parts throughout after a few hours. Each chapter I read, it is like he is talking right out of the book in plain English, not some convoluted technical jargon.
Every clarinetist should have this book.
Every clarinetist should read this book.
Besides everything to do with the clarinet and clarinet playing, he discusses musicianship, interpretation and teaching. Everything a clarinetist would want to know is in here to enable one to play better.
And it is inexpensive. Under $10.00. Hopefully, it will stay in print for a good long time. Buy it if you don't have it.
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Author: Stephanie aka Benny
Date: 1999-05-16 14:35
just bought it myself during spring break. a good reading so far. have not had much time to devote to it....but so far so good.
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Author: Todd
Date: 1999-05-16 18:34
I also just recently bought this book. I haven't had much time to read it, but the parts I've read have been great. It's given me a whole new perspective on playing and practicing. After reading various sections, I can't wait to get out my clarinet and practice. I would definitely recommend the book to others.
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Author: col
Date: 1999-05-18 11:55
Just wondering what the title of the book is, place of publish and date of publish. This info will help me to order it .
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Author: Drew
Date: 1999-05-18 15:11
Title is "The Clarinet & Clarinet Playing", by David Pino, published by Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York. Also published in the U.K. by Constable & Company, Ltd., 3 The Lanchesters, 162-164 Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER.
This book is available from for $7.96 plus shipping and handling.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-05-19 04:41
This can be purchased also from Amazon.I think the BBS has automatic discout advantage if Amazon marking at the bottom be clicked.Maybe good if we purchase many copies.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-05-19 11:51
Hiroshi wrote:
This can be purchased also from Amazon.I think the BBS has automatic discout advantage if Amazon marking at the bottom be clicked.Maybe good if we purchase many copies.
No - the Amazon connection is that I get a small percentage of the sales price when someone buys a book after travelling to through that link. Helps keep Sneezy running!
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