The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Keil
Date: 2001-08-22 01:46
I wonder, how many professional musicans were at one point in time apart of their local youth symphony and how many of those went on to be principals?
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Author: mw
Date: 2001-08-22 17:06
MANY and NOT SO MANY. The # of Principal Positions is VERY FINITE. mw
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Author: Suzanne
Date: 2001-08-22 20:59
Current tubist of the Chicago Symph. used to play in San Diego Youth Symphony.
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Author: Anna
Date: 2001-08-24 04:56
Here in Christchurch, New Zealand, a good few of our players from the youth orchestra end up in professional groups. Not so many wind up as principals, though, possibly due to the local orchestra's policy of importing Russian players (current count: assistant concertmaster, principal 2nd vln, principal vla, principal cello, principal trombone, bass trombone, plus loads of rank-and-file players) which, needless to say, has caused some issues.....
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