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 Chamber music with percussion
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-28 00:52

I have just met a percussionist that would like to do some chamber music. Would any of you know of pieces for clarinet, other instruments and percussion (marimba, snare drum, etc., but no tympany)? Thank you, friends! I know there's a Stockhausen piece; quite accessible music. But we're not looking for anything too avant-garde.


Post Edited (2025-03-28 00:53)

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: Tom H 
Date:   2025-03-28 01:51

How about the Nielsen Concerto? I played it with piano (clavinova), but I'm sure one could add in the famous snare drum part.

The Most Advanced Clarinet Book--
tomheimer.ampbk.com/ Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001315, Musicnotes product no. MB0000649.

Boreal Ballad for unaccompanied clarinet-Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001314.
Musicnotes product no. MNO287475

Post Edited (2025-03-28 01:52)

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: Bennett 2017
Date:   2025-03-28 02:11

A search on Google like: imslp clarinet bells (or what have you) returns some hits.

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-28 11:25

Tom H: great idea! I remember a fellow-student doing this at one point, and it worked very well. The only trouble: am I up to playing the Nielsen anymore?


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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: m1964 
Date:   2025-03-28 18:59

Perhaps, replace the piano part with a vibraphone?

May work well with some pieces...

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-28 19:18

1964: I hadn't thought of that! It might work well with jazzy pieces and the marimba could work with Latin American music.


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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: elmo lewis 
Date:   2025-03-29 23:12
Attachment:  perc.pdf (420k)

here are some:

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-30 00:05

Thank you Elmo! (some pieces are avant-garde (Barney Childs-whom I knew!), but others aren't. I am looking for the latter sort.


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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: Floydinoz 
Date:   2025-03-30 08:07

Try Lucas foss Time Cycle, I’ve it a few times and once with Foss conducting. Brilliant Piece

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 Re: Chamber music with percussion
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-30 10:20

Floyd: Foss deserves to be played more. -a really important composer.


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