Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-08-18 18:15
I wish Vandoren had designed one trimmer with the ability to switch out "cutting plates" (at a cheaper price than the trimmer product) to match the tip profiles of its various reed offerings.
Cost aside, packing such gear in one's gig case would be easier work with such a design, I'd hope and think, much that I normally save reed work for practice time and might not need to pack such gear with me to gigs.
I wonder if there's a market large enough for someone to create this, or if doing so might infringe on some legally protected design that only Vandoren can market or license.
Unfortunately, music products don't sell to the masses such that the up front cost to create gear can be spread out across blockbuster sales and inspire the inventor to produce such wares.
I'd be inclined, with a thick metal (away from its tip) chisel, to see if, given a "month of Sundays" I could carve out one of Vandoren's reed tip patterns in it, and sharpen the chisel tip thereafter.
Sure, I'd be endorsing, with 6 chisels, the very portability problem I write about, if not the cost one.