The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ben Shaffer
Date: 2024-02-03 20:37
so I was rummaging around in my Clarinet parts drawer and an old Mouthpiece caught my eye. It had the round Woodwind Company USA embossed logo. The MP was faded where a ligature had been and it had two scribed lines towards the bottom and one towards the top. I put in on the horn I was playing for the day and was surprised that it actually sounded as good as the VanDorens I usually play. That said I removed it and tried to see if there were any other ID letters above the logo I could make out a M and then across an S, so maybe made in the US. Around the bottom on one side very faded but I think it was in script lettering an m, slash and then a 3. Any idea about which model MP this is?. I may have gotten it years ago maybe with a LeBlacnc Horn of some variety. I know there was that connection between Woodwinds and LeBlanc
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