The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Lauren2192009
Date: 2024-02-01 03:39
I’m trying to play an etude with a high f# going to a b natural with a slur articulation. What do I need to do with my overture so my note will speak. Any other suggestions will be very helpful. It keeps playing an f#. How do I get it to jump from an f# to a high b?
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Author: Reese Oller
Date: 2024-02-02 08:17
I just tried doing so. I found that to achieve the best results, I had to use the LH 2/thumb/register key fingering for the F#, then used thumb/1/2/ g# sliver key on the left hand RH 1/2/ Eb key for B. Sorry if that wasn't very specific, I don't really know proper language for this sort of thing.
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Author: donald
Date: 2024-02-02 15:33
Hi there, we're all assuming you mean altissimo F# to the B natural above, please correct me if you mean the octave below (the upper register, not the upper upper register).
IF you mean the altissimo, there is a relatively simple fingering to use (I mentioned it in the other thread, just needed to test it out to make sure it worked on a "normal" clarinet).
You can finger the high F# any way you like, the normal fingering AND the "overblown Bb" fingering will both work here...
- To slur to the altissimo B natural, take all your fingers off and open the A key and register key (as though you were playing THROAT Bb on the middle line). And a B natural should come out.
If this doesn't work then you'll need to work on tone/voicing of the altissimo regardless of what fingering you'll choose. If you have good altissimo, the fingering I described SHOULD just pop out easily.
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