The Clarinet BBoard
Author: super20dan
Date: 2024-01-27 03:11
i have found a stand for alto clarinet finally. its called the nomad bass clarinet stand and its only 60$. while too frail and spindly for a bass -its absoutly perfect for an alto clarinet i am working on a easy mod to make it also work if you have an alto with a floor peg. i got the nomad on amazon. folds up and i s very light. some one on my facebook low clarinet group told me about it.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2024-01-31 05:38
any standard spray paint cap fits in the cradle perfectly and holds your peg! use stealth black to blend in on stage
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Author: NOLA Ken
Date: 2024-02-02 05:16
I use the Hercules Bass Clarinet/Bassoon stand for my alto cl. w/ or w/o the floor peg. The one I have also has holes that accept the Hercules clarinet and flute pegs, although it's not clear to me that the ones I see listed on Amazon and the Hercules web site those holes for the additional pegs. It's not as light as the one you mention, but it's sturdy and stable.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2024-02-02 18:16
i can use my kand n bass stand with peg also but the kand n is such a tank to carry around set up. i need smaller and lighter and smaller footprint on stage now and the nomad is perfect this way and cheap at 60$
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Author: Reese Oller
Date: 2024-02-02 20:28
I don't trust Hercules bass stands ever since mine collapsed in the middle of a pit orchestra rehearsal. Almost sent $10,000.00 down the drain.
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2024-02-02 21:21
I'm not very impressed with the designe of any of the stands I've seen out there. I want to see a foot which holds the heel of the bell with stability and allows some space for the spike to remain extended. The fork at the top to support the upper joint should have two padded horns curving backwards and upwards to further stabilize the instrument either side of the neck. I made one so designed and the horn sat in it solid as a rock. It was hardly rocket science.
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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