The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bennett ★2017
Date: 2024-01-20 04:22
I thought his very best line was something like:
Many Baroque composers borrowed from each other - but it was PDQ Bach that invented carbon paper.
I remember a concert in San Francisco where Schickele was playing a piano sonata at an incredibly breakneck pace - a motor cycle cop drove onto the stage and gave him a ticket for speeding.
Fortunately so many of his performances are on YouTube.
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-01-20 20:47
I have played some of his "serious" music: he wrote quite a bit for the clarinet. This music is very, very good! Rest in peace and you will be missed.
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Author: kilo
Date: 2024-01-20 23:04
I've been working on his "Dances for Three" this winter, seven short pieces for two clarinets and bassoon. I've transcribed the bassoon part to play on bass clarinet. Trio Indiana recorded this piece and it's available as a CD.
Here are two clarinet-related episodes of "Schickele Mix":
"Clarinet Plus"
"Clarinet Marmalade"
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2024-01-23 01:33
I've been enjoying intoducing or re-introducing my students to PDQ Bach this last week. The clarinet-centric concert poster attached here has gone up on my studio door. The famous Beethoven 5 sketch has been serving as an effective and fun reminder of the basics of sonata form for a few who be taking a big theory test next week. It's good to know that PDQ is still laugh out loud funny to the younger musicians!
Thanks for the link to the clarinet themed broadcasts Schickele did. I didn't know of them, and have been enjoying listening!
Post Edited (2024-01-23 01:37)
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Author: davidjsc
Date: 2024-02-07 03:02
Always liked his Tromboon - which, when you think about it, is basically the mirror universe instrument of an old serpent or the russian bassoon (a bassoon with trombone mouthpiece)
~~ Alto Clarinet; Bass Clarinet; B-flat and C Boehm Clarinets; Albert C Clarinet; Oboe ~~
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