The Clarinet BBoard
Author: cds
Date: 2024-01-09 09:57
I have what I believe to be a buffet crampon b12 clarinet, based on my research. I haven't been able to find anything to properly identify when it was made as the serial number searches seem to not be very good (unless I'm just using them wrong). Based on what I know it had to have been made before 1980 and I suspect it was sometime in the early/mid 70's. Can anybody identify when it might've been made with more certainty than I can?
The serial number is D34411, the label reads "Paris Evette France" in the center oval, "made by buffet crampon" below it, and below that is stamped "master model" which based on what I've been able to figure out, makes it a B12 model.
Any additional expertise would be great as this was my dad's before mine and I'd like to know more about it.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2024-01-09 10:58
Unless they had a different model also called B12, it's not that. The B12 is/was a plastic clarinet made mostly by Schreiber in Germany (and later in various places).
I assume your clarinet is made of wood? It's an Evette Master Model from the mid 70s. It's supposedly the older equivalent to the E12 but these models had many changes and redesigns over the years that there aren't any real equivalents. It's sort of a "tweener", above the basic student models and below the professional models.
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Author: stevesklar
Date: 2024-01-09 16:26
B12 ?
Maybe an E-12 from the 1980s and before.
But the D prefix is also associated with Malerne manufactured clarinets supplied to Buffet and sold as Evette and Evette & Schaeffer clarinets.
You would have to provide pictures of the clarinet all around for any type of evaluation.
But that serial number is dated to 1974
Stephen Sklar
My YouTube Channel of Clarinet Information
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