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 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay
Author: m1964 
Date:   2023-12-10 03:10

kdk wrote:

"... I'll take your word that it isn't your clarinet making the problems, but I'm not sure how you know..."

I've met a few decent amateur players who had no idea how to adjust the craw foot and also did not think their clarinets were leaking...

Nothing can replace a face-to-face lesson with a good teacher (IMO).

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 Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2023-12-10 00:40 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-10 01:07 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
kdk 2023-12-10 02:03 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
m1964 2023-12-10 03:10 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2023-12-10 03:43 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
kdk 2023-12-10 22:12 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-10 04:25 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2023-12-10 22:29 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SecondTry 2023-12-11 00:09 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-11 00:42 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Selmer Buff 2023-12-11 02:26 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
kdk 2023-12-11 04:07 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-11 02:56 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
senexclarinetta 2023-12-11 05:18 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
donald 2023-12-11 12:56 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2023-12-11 18:57 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-11 19:19 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2023-12-17 02:22 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
SunnyDaze 2023-12-17 14:22 
 Re: Impossible C and B and top to bottom delay  new
Maylana 2024-02-25 03:30 

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