The Clarinet BBoard
Author: johnwesley
Date: 2023-08-02 03:42
Attachment: unknown MPC.png (1322k)
Just bought this out of interest and wondering if anyone can identify the maker. There are no markings other than upper/lower lig lines and the Chedeville sort of etching along the bottom. The etching though is different than Chedeville. I seem to remember that some time ago I saw a similar MPC that had similar etching but can't remember now who made it.
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Author: donald
Date: 2023-08-02 12:30
It looks like an Eb mouthpiece I had a while back (and gave to Nathan Beaty, RIP). This was a Noblet/Vito mouthpiece rescued from a very old (1960s?) Eb clarinet that was a Noblet/Vito student instrument.
Of course, various student instruments in the past were in fact supplied with very nice mouthpieces (even if the facings were not well crafted). My old professor had (as one of his favourites) a Cundy-Bettony mouthpiece that was certainly of Chedeville origin. Unfortunately all the Cundy-Bettony mouthpieces I've collected since then were NOT.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2023-08-02 16:13
That scroll work at the bottom is like what I have seen on many somewhat later Chedeville branded mouthpieces. I am not sure if other makes also had this marking. I would suggest dropping a note to Brad Behn with a pic. Having seen countless mouthpieces, I am sure he would have info.
Post Edited (2023-08-03 04:26)
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Author: sonicbang
Date: 2023-08-03 03:23
Chances are 99% this is made by Riffault. These blanks usually need a moderate amount of work but can be turned into great players.
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Author: Ed
Date: 2023-08-03 04:28
While the blank quality (material, dimensions, etc) can matter, as Mark knows better than I do, often some adjustment can turn fair mouthpieces into fine players.
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Author: johnwesley
Date: 2023-08-10 03:00
Still haven't determined maker of the MPC although super20dan and sonicbang seem to think it's a Riffault. Whatever it is, it plays beautifully. Easy. Great tone. I think I have a winner. Also have an Otto Link Reso-Chamber #5 that came with the other. It's very nice too, but think I'm going to sell it. I have too many MPCs and the "Riffault" for me is more to my liking than the Otto Reso.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2023-08-10 16:39
yes the otto links for clarinet arnt the holy grail as they are on sax. still a decent clarinet mpc though. same goes for meyer
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