The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Brian Peterson
Date: 2023-07-11 22:36
Greetings all,
I am trying to figure out the age of a Buffet E 11. The SN is 871xxx. I must not be looking in the right place on the "How old is my..." page.
Brian Peterson
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Author: lydian
Date: 2023-07-12 01:05
That's quite recent, well beyond most charts. Extrapolating from 1997 where most charts stop, that puts yours around 2019. Do you have reason to believe it's a vintage instrument?
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Author: stevesklar
Date: 2023-07-12 05:37
If you E-11 has stamped on it "made in west germany"
then it's a Shreiber made E-11 (nothing to do with Buffet serial number lists)
as Shreiber does not have public serial number lists.
Yours would probably have nickels keys instead of the later silver plated keys.
I had several and I can't recall but the 800xxx would be in the early 1990s I think.
Stephen Sklar
My YouTube Channel of Clarinet Information
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Author: Brian Peterson
Date: 2023-07-12 06:53
@Stephen- it says "made in Germany" so your probably right. I've got my R 13 in the shop and playing on this E 11 I've been meaning to sell for a student. Guess I need to get on ebay and see what kind of price to ask. It plays okay, a little putchy in the throat register and surprisingly light
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