The Clarinet BBoard
Author: m1964
Date: 2022-04-17 07:11
Attachment: bell.jpg (146k)
Attachment: Lower joint.jpg (154k)
Attachment: Whole clarinet.jpg (274k)
Hi all,
I am trying to help a fiend of a friend who got an old Noblet clarinet.
From the pictures I got, the clarinet has keywork that looks like it was made of "pot" metal, not nickel or silver plated.
SN is 31XXD, the emblem/logo is diamond-shaped, with ND on top of the logo,
and leaves engraved into the bell.
The back of the upper joint says "Made in France", just above the register key.
They are trying to find out if it is worth restoring.
Thanks a lot.
Post Edited (2022-04-17 07:13)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2022-04-17 14:14
I doubt that the keys are pot metal (Mazak) on a Noblet. They are more likely to be unplated nickel-silver or maillechort.
Tony F.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2022-04-17 19:21
Tony F wrote:
> I doubt that the keys are pot metal (Mazak) on a Noblet. They
> are more likely to be unplated nickel-silver or maillechort.
Thanks for your reply.
Do you know how those clarinets play? Do they sound like student level instruments or more like professional models?
If they were geared towards the pros, do they feel/sound like Buffets or Selmers?
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2022-04-18 00:30
It is in the 45 family since it has the diamond logos. It may be a small special run where the engraved the bell.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2022-04-18 00:38
Noblet clarinets play pretty much like Leblanc pro level clarinets. I did a side-by-side play test against a Leblanc Concerto and there wasn't much in it. Similarly with wooden Normandy clarinets.
The keywork is unplated - you can see the silver solder joints where all the pieces are soldered to each other.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2022-04-18 04:46
According to this website it is a 45 Laureate.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2022-04-18 18:17
Noblet clarinets are generally under-rated in the market. They play well, and properly set up I'd consider them to play as well as many intermediate-level instruments at much higher prices. That being said, they don't seem to command very high prices.
Tony F.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2022-04-18 23:56
With Buffet dominating the market, Leblancs, Noblets and Normandys do tend to get overlooked when it comes to value and that keeps the buying price favourable which is fine for the buyer, although not so good for the seller.
In any case, the insurance/replacement value of a Noblet clarinet should be similar to that of a brand new Buffet E13 or Yamaha YCL-650. The actual purchase price is insignificant.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2022-04-19 01:54
i agree noblet and normandys are some of the best values out there. as an experiment i added a high quality wood barrel and bell to my normandy and it really improved its soundChris P wrote:
> With Buffet dominating the market, Leblancs, Noblets and
> Normandys do tend to get overlooked when it comes to value and
> that keeps the buying price favourable which is fine for the
> buyer, although not so good for the seller.
> In any case, the insurance/replacement value of a Noblet
> clarinet should be similar to that of a brand new Buffet E13 or
> Yamaha YCL-650. The actual purchase price is insignificant.
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