The Clarinet BBoard
Author: NOLA Ken
Date: 2021-09-27 20:21
I'm looking at a Selmer Seris 10 enhanced Boehm on that auction site, and I'm a bit confused. It's a Series 10 with a Z5*** serial number, which everything I can find indicates was well into the serial numbers for the 10G model. I can assume perhaps that Gigliotti did not work with Selmer on the enhanced Boehm model, and that therefore perhaps this clarinet was not deemed to warrant the G designation. But the information I find indicates that the Selmer 10 and 10G models had different bores. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether this model is likely to have a 10 or 10G bore? Or did the production of the Selmer 10 model overlap with that of the later 10Gs?
Thanks for any information anyone can offer.
- Ken
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Author: farabout
Date: 2021-09-27 20:33
NB: With that particular horn there's a substantial gap between the bell & lower joint.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-09-27 20:55
The 10G was a different model clarinet being produced alongside the Series 9/9*, 10 and 10S, all of those having overlaps in production with the introduction of each successive model.
The serial numbers were sequential for all their clarinets rather than being model specific, so you can have a 10G stamped Z5xx1 and then a Series 9, 9* or 10 stamped Z5xx2.
The Series 10 (like the RI, BT, 55, CT, Series 9/9* and 10S) was available with all the keywork options from N.1 (standard 17 key 6 ring keywork) to N.8 full Boehm (20 keys 7 rings) and also Marchi and Mazzeo systems, whereas the 10G was mainly available with the standard N.1 keywork, although Selmer may have made the odd 10G with optional keywork if it was a special order.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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