The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-09-19 19:53
As a Selmer clarinet player, it was interesting for me to go to a « Buffet-Crampon clarinet day » at my local shop last thursday. I could test and compare. And I found the Tradition clarinet really cool : based on the old BC20 model, it is flexible, warm, punchy, good low ends, a bit of resistance, I enjoyed playing it.
(edit) this is a picture I took in the shop, Bb and A models, in the right the extension for Eb bass clarinet to play a low D :
Post Edited (2021-09-19 21:18)
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Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-09-20 23:23
I wrote a mistake : in fact it's from a Eb to change it in a Low C bass.
Post Edited (2021-09-20 23:52)
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Author: Robert N.
Date: 2021-09-20 23:34
Hello Hugues, I am glad that you enjoyed the Tradition, that is the model that I have. I have the first generation Tradition.
As you know, I have also been very interested in the older Selmers that you play. I hope to have the opportunity to compare them one day, as you did.
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Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-09-20 23:53
Thanks, and yes the Tradition is closest to Selmer clarinet than others Buffet. But it's my feeling.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-09-21 19:05
Having played Selmers since whenever, I can't get on with Buffets as I find them very restrictive and flatter than a witch's tit using some fingerings that are good on Selmers by comparison.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-09-22 00:30
I stil prefer Selmer too. I can't find that "punch" on Buffet clarinets, and on some Buffet models I have issues trill keys, too far from the body.
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Author: Robert N.
Date: 2021-09-22 01:19
When you refer to Selmers, are you referring to the older ones, like the Centered Tone and Balanced Tone, the newer ones, or both?
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Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-09-23 00:12
Both, I feel there is some kind of personnality in Selmer clarinets, with some particulaity between models wich allows to choose an instrument we like : for exemple I do like early '30s models, Radio Improved, 10S, Privilège, Récital, Saint-Louis, and I don't really like Serie 9 and Signature.
Post Edited (2021-09-23 00:22)
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Author: Robert N.
Date: 2021-09-23 00:49
That is great to know. I look forward to trying out some new and old Selmers. I have also hear that the Yamaha SEVR has a similar feel to the old Selmers, so I hope to try one of those one day too.
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Author: davidjsc
Date: 2021-09-26 22:49
I have a Selmer and a Buffet soprano student models and I love them both for different reasons.
While I started out twenty years ago with Selmer instruments for my alto, my first soprano was a Buffet I bought a couiple years ago on a whim. Later I picked up a Selmer I saw on sale.
I find I favour the Buffet if I am playing more 'refined' music like classical stuff, something showy, or something more technical, as I really like the key response on the Buffet more - but my Selmer I love for banging out folk songs and polkas or if the wife and I are jamming out at home (she plays guitars and other strings).
A good way I sum it up is I find my Buffet is more urban and the Selmer more rural.
~~ Alto Clarinet; Bass Clarinet; B-flat and C Boehm Clarinets; Albert C Clarinet; Oboe ~~
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