The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kerryklari
Date: 2021-09-17 14:32
I've been trying out a very cheap (€150 new via ebay) German system clarinet and I have decided that I prefer the fingering and would like to try something better. I'm reluctant to spend too much so thinking of something second hand - also via ebay. There are quite a few Richard Keilwerth clarinets. Judging by the prices, I assume they are fairly good quality. However, the company doesn't seem to exist any more. I think I read somewhere that it either merged with or was taken over by Schreiber, which in turn has been taken over by Buffet, so I presume somewhere along the way the brand became extinct. I have not been able to find out much information about them. Has anyone played them and, if so, would one be likely to be a decent 2nd hand purchase?
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Author: donald
Date: 2021-09-17 16:03
You could look on the Schwenk und Seggelke website- they list 2nd hand clarinets and I think some of them are "Keilwerth" clarinets "optimised" by S+S. While most of the clarinets on that site are "high end" I'm pretty sure I've seen a few cheaper ones here and there, check it out.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2021-09-17 17:39
kerryklari wrote:
"I've been trying out a very cheap (€150 new via ebay) German system clarinet and I have decided that I prefer the fingering and would like to try something better. I'm reluctant to spend too much so thinking of something second hand - also via ebay. There are quite a few Richard Keilwerth clarinets. Judging by the prices, I assume they are fairly good quality. However, the company doesn't seem to exist any more. I think I read somewhere that it either merged with or was taken over by Schreiber, which in turn has been taken over by Buffet, so I presume somewhere along the way the brand became extinct. I have not been able to find out much information about them. Has anyone played them and, if so, would one be likely to be a decent 2nd hand purchase?"
Did you check German eBay website?
Buying from Schwenk und Seggelke would probably be "safer" than from eBay, if they have something that you like right now.
If buying from eBay, you need to budget at least $250-300 for possible re-pad -at least that was my experience, regardless of the seller's description "new pads and corks" because they were not new.
Post Edited (2021-09-17 17:45)
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Author: kerryklari
Date: 2021-09-17 17:47
donald: thanks for the link - I had a look but what they have is too expensive for me!
m1964: yes, I bought the other one from and that's where I'm looking at the moment. There are quite a few Keilwerth clarinets there, I just don't know how good they might be. There is no current manufacturer's website to get any further info from. I'm guessing they are good solid instruments but I'd like to know if anyone has any first hand experience.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-09-18 00:35
I've got an old Richard Keilwerth Oehler system (24 keys, 5 rings and a fingerplate for RH2, minus the low E/F correction key) which I bought off eBay and it's built to 444Hz, so not the easiest thing to play along with instruments built to 440Hz. If using it along with an electronic keyboard or piano, they can usually be tuned to 444Hz or thereabouts to make things easier.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: kerryklari
Date: 2021-09-18 10:51
Chris: thank you for that, it's something I hadn't thought of. It might not matter as I hardly ever play with other people anyway. Would you say it was a decent quality instrument? The ones I'm looking at are not full Oehler, they are generally 6 rings and 20-22 keys, costing in the €500-750 range.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-09-18 15:15
I forgot I also had a Boehm system R. Keilwerth Eb clarinet which I completely overhauled, only the barrel had been shortened leaving only around 2mm or maybe less of wood between the sockets and the tuning was dreadful as a result. It was bought by a member of this messageboard who found a longer barrel for it and that solved the tuning problems.
The Oehler system one I've got is pretty old and has seen better days, but it's a reasonably well built instrument. I think it was used in a marching band going by the scratch marks on the bell where a lyre clamp was fitted.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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