The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Azzacca
Date: 2001-07-11 15:38
I know it's already been established that these are not good clarinets (, but even if they were, what clarinetist, or teacher, would want a colored clarinet in the first place? Sure they're neat looking, but wouldn't the orchestral leader/band teacher want the clarinets to match in at least color for conformity?
I could see if it were for pep band and the clarinet actually was the same as your school colors, I guess. Course, back in my highschool, the colors were orange and black
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Author: David
Date: 2001-07-11 17:58
Maybe for solos, and for jazzy concerts. You know, just for spazz. (My school colors were a dark blue and silver.) Or maybe to auction off for some money. The "fruitcake" of the clarinet section.
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Author: David Kinder
Date: 2001-07-12 02:25
Vito makes colored clarinets: white, red, yellow, green and blue. If I were to find "a clarinet of a different color", I'd choose a Vito.
Why different colors? Just a different presence and effect, I would guess. My high school colors were blue and green, and the blue and green clarinets would look pretty cool on the field. IMHO, it just isn't necessary.
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Author: mw
Date: 2001-07-12 02:53
Who said Vito's weren't good clarinets? IMO, there are some very nice Vito's out there. Best, mw
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Author: KevinS
Date: 2001-07-12 03:11
I know of some high schools that provide their clarinet section Dazzlers in the school colors. Kind of high budget, but it looks pretty cool!
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Author: clarinet713
Date: 2001-07-12 03:16
Awwwwww come on! Doesn't anyone think that a yellow clarinet would look GRRRRREAT in the hands of-oh say Larry Combs while playing a great concerto such as the Copland? I think it would just add to the beauty and jazz of the piece! HAHAHA! Thought maybe someone needed to laugh tonight (or at least smile?!) Take care and gooood clarinetting! :-D
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Author: jenna
Date: 2001-07-12 04:01
I'd do it just to stand out, I think. At a marching band competition last year I saw some girl marching with a red clarinet, but as I recall, the school colors didn't include red (they were purple and orange, i think). I was perplexed. I think that if in a marching atmosphere, all the clarinets were the same (not black) color, it would produce a neat visual - a costly visual. You still can't beat making lines spin in circles, and letting the lead trumpet do a somersault after his solo, then tip his hat, letting the guard "moan in pleasure" during a pause in the song, horn pops.. all that good stuff.
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Author: willie
Date: 2001-07-12 04:49
I've always wanted to get one of those crystal clear ones and have some of the new micro lights embedded in it for jazz.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2001-07-12 11:25
It's the Jinyan that people said are not good and the particular item that Azzacca was referring to is a colored Jinyan. No one said that the Vitos are not good, they just remarked that Vito is also available in colors.
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Author: Don Poulsen
Date: 2001-07-12 15:02
There is a local clown band that wears multicolored outfits. They play at football games, the state fair, etc. They don't have a clarinetist. I have thought about suggesting it to them and then seeing if I couldn't get parts from different dazzlers to make a single instrument. It would fit right in.
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