The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Irwin
Date: 2001-07-10 01:07
All you have to do is take weekly lessons for 15 years with a teacher who pushes you beyond what you think are your limits, and practice your lessons for not less than an hour and a half at least 5 nights a week. Isn't that easy? I've only got 14.5 years to go!
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Author: David
Date: 2001-07-10 02:48
How about "over 5,478 nights" succes? That sounds more accurate.
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Author: Meri
Date: 2001-07-11 00:32
You must never have heard the story about the violinist who figured out the number of hours that one would need to practice to become a master, and then did the same number of hours, yet did not become one.
Having teachers who push you to your limits is important. But, I do not agree with the other ideas.
I don't think the time factor is that important. An example: another member of my college band took 6 years of private lessons, yet it did not show at all. In contrast, most people who have heard me perform do not believe I've had little more than a year of private lessons, starting on the "every other week" basis and moving to the "as needed one".
Not only that, it's not how long you practice, but how well you do it, with focus, using various efficient practice strategies and motivating myself to practice. As Harvey Snitken says in his book, Practicing for Young Musicians: You are your own teacher!--practice can make "perfect" or "imperfect".
So, it's not really a matter of putting in the time. It's what you do with it.
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Author: Irwin
Date: 2001-07-11 01:10
Merri, you're absolutely right. I was just being tongue in cheek after having spent a couple of hours working on practice pieces. It was my way of complaining just a little.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2001-07-11 02:54
Ideally speaking:
1.Purpose of each practice must be set clearly. Time does not matter.
If the purpose is reached, we can finish practice. Practice without any concrete purpose is nothing.
2.Doing what we already can proficiently is no use or just losing time.
Doing new things everyday.
3.Practice near to our limits is no use. Practice beyond our limits makes us improve us everyday.
4.If Karl Leister can, we can. This way of thinking is indispensable to improve although as we improve ourselves we recognize our real capability.
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Author: David
Date: 2001-07-11 03:13
I know a freshman oboe player who, after two and a half years of playing, played a perfect "64th-note cadenza" from Haydn's Conzerto (I believe that's what it was).Cadenzas don't always have note values, I am aware of this, but compared to the original allegro, it was a perfect 64th note arpeggio of two octaves, key of C, for ten seconds without missing a single note. I have yet to see the person who could match such playing at such a young age. (He practiced for an average one hour a day for two and a half years and look how good he is.) I, however, have played the clarinet for two and a half years and cannot so much as do a decent 16th note arpeggio without stuttering.
Every person has their own speed. Maybe after fifteen years I'll be a master, but, IMHO, the oboe player I know is better than several college students and by the time he is ready to go to college he could get a top spot in any orchestra almost no sweat. The kid is almost a master already. He doesn't need another twelve years to go.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 2001-07-12 01:48
If enough talent is given to a person, it will appear evidently in one or two years
after he/she starts to play an instrument. 99% of us are also-runs, who cannot
attain this. But this does not matter as far as we enjoy music as an amateur.
Speed may be obtained by dilligent practice, but not beauty of tone. I dislike Heinz
Holliger but love Leon Goosens.
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Author: David
Date: 2001-07-12 17:54
I can see your point, Hiroshi. I, in my own opinion, have a very unique and beautiful tone, though my technical ability is questionable. This oboe player, however, tackles both with outstanding zeal and alacrity. And the tone just comes naturally to him. He plays pure, true music, and he can STILL show off when he has to!
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