The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Sylvain
Date: 2001-06-26 17:13
Hi all,
I am taking an audition to get into a college orchestra. In addition to the required excerpts, it is suggested that we prepare a short solo piece of "modern" music.
Do you have any suggestions? I don't want to do the stravinsky pieces, I only have about a month to prepare which is not enough for me to get them clean. I was thinking of playing an excerpt of the Suttermeister, but would love to find something just a bit more original at about the same level of technical difficulty.
Waiting for your always valuable suggestions,
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2001-06-26 17:30
Sylvian -
How about the Dance of the Devil from Stravinsky's l'Histoire du Soldat, which is one of the Sneezy contest pieces. The music is right here and free.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Robin
Date: 2001-06-27 02:01
Maybe you could think about doing a movement from the 'Set for Clarinet' by Donald Martino. The 2nd mvt is not that hard and definitely showcases a great range of technique as well as requiring a healthy tone.
Good luck, anyway.
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Author: Augustus
Date: 2001-07-01 05:38
aww....i was about to suggest the stravinsky! Good luck at the auditions!
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2001-07-04 22:06
Here are a few recommendations you might consider:
Erland von Koch, Monolog 3 (Don't be put off by the title. This is very enjoyable. Jonathan Cohler has recorded it on his "Clarinet Alone" CD.) Similar in nature and difficulty to the Sutermeister.
Jorgen Bentzon, Thema med Variationer Also quite accessible and, IMO, a little less technically demanding than the Sutermeister.
Willson Osborne, Rhapsody You may already know this piece. If you do, you know that it is a beautiful work, very lyrical and, again, not as demanding technically as the Sutermeister but still impressive. (Also on the Cohler CD, BTW.)
Rosza, Sonatina for Clarinet Solo (not to be confused with the Sonata) 1st movement is a theme and variations that can stand by itself. A little more challenging technically than the three previous recommendations but not a long stretch from Sutermeister, I think.
Astor Piazzolla, Tango Etudes (choose one and impress the judges. Piazzolla is "in" right now. You can find recordings of the flute version and Gidon Kremer has also performed at least some of them on violin.)
seriously reconsider doing the Sutermeister.
Best of luck.
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