The Clarinet BBoard
Author: m1964
Date: 2020-01-10 09:06
Does any one knows of a free SW that would allow music scanned into a PDF file to be transposed (from Bb to A) ?
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Author: mikeW
Date: 2020-01-10 09:44
Good luck! That first step, converting a bitmapped pdf into something that a music program might be able to work (OCR if you want to research it) is a bear and a half. I wanted to do the same thing for a bass clarinet part (in A and written in the bass clef).
Ultimately, I realized that the output I was getting would have required so much extra work to correct, that I just entered the part into Finale by hand.
You can read the discussion if you are interested:
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Author: tdufka
Date: 2020-01-10 09:45
Supposedly Musescore has a PDF converter feature, but it is experimental and didn't work at all for me.
Download and sign up with them, and then go to File > import .pdf. There will be a "Select .pdf file" button that allows you to upload to their site.
Here is a thread from their support forums that may help:
Post Edited (2020-01-10 09:46)
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Author: Djudy
Date: 2020-01-10 15:14
You have to buy it but it's well worth the price : NotateMeNow plus its add-on ScanScore. You photograph the score and then decide which instrument to transpose to. I use it a lot for practicing difficult passages and for play-along to get me up to tempo. The sound simulation isn't great but it's on my android phone so it's the portability and the rapidity that are the features I want. Used it the other day at rehearsal to show a collegue that he was missing a dotted quarter each time in a phrase. The 'lizard' brain had taken over and he had to hear it to get rid of the well-practiced mistake. There is a free version too to try out but with limitations.
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Author: Bennett ★2017
Date: 2020-01-10 19:49
Take a look at $79 SmartScore Piano edition. It can scan and recognize pdf's, allow you to correct the scanning errors, and then transpose.
Works well if the original pdf is clean, with good contrast, and easy to read. If the original is a mess, editing can take quite a while.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2020-01-11 08:22
Thanks to everyone who replied to my post.
Since the excerpt was very short, I just transposed it by hand.
Next time, I will consider getting the proper SW.
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