The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bob Arney
Date: 2001-06-29 14:24
There is such a wealth of information on this BB. Is there some "magic" way of saving bits and pieces to build up a little booklet. For example, when new beginners come in, or a new bass player like me, many fine folk offer good advice. If I can't save it someplace it goes to the "old message files" where it sits for how long? Is there any way to collect, by search all data on some topic and save it to a separate folder or some such. Computor wizards speak up!.
Bob A
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-06-29 14:56
The easiest way if you're using windows is to create a folder and drag the URL (the little page icon on the lower left) to that folder. It'll create a link to pages.
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Author: jerry
Date: 2001-06-29 17:25
Too dense here!
Where is the "...little page icon...."? You say lower left Mark, but I guess I'm on the wrong page..........I see no such icon.
~ jerry
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Author: erica
Date: 2001-06-29 19:41
If you're using Internet Explorer you can use the icon in the addressbar to do what Mark said (drag it into a folder). On this site the icon is a grey square with a blue treble clef; on other sites it'll be a blue "e" with a white dog-eared page behind it.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-06-29 22:24
You can always set up a folder in the Bookmarks section of whatever you use and store the URLs there.
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Author: David
Date: 2001-06-30 03:06
You guys make everything so complicated. If someone wants to make a booklet they can cut and paste the pages on Microsoft Word.This is much more time-consuming, but not so technical.
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Author: Sara
Date: 2001-06-30 03:23
~David said:
You guys make everything so complicated. If someone wants to make a booklet they can cut and paste the pages on Microsoft Word.This is much more time-consuming, but not so technical.
Exactly couldn't have said it better myself!
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2001-06-30 03:35
David wrote:
> You guys make everything so complicated. If someone wants
> to make a booklet they can cut and paste the pages on Microsoft
> Word.This is much more time-consuming, but not so
> technical.
Geez, I didn't think clicking on "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" was very technical - and it works on non-MS products, too 8^)
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Author: SALT
Date: 2001-06-30 08:12
I think bookmarking something is the easiest thing to do! What's the problem with it?!?!?!
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Author: Micaela
Date: 2001-06-30 15:17
"On this site the icon is a grey square with a blue treble clef; on other sites it'll be a blue "e" with a white dog-eared page behind it." It is? I have the blue "e." What's up???
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Author: Sara
Date: 2001-06-30 15:25
Well I guess, if you were trying to make a booklet of info about things for a student to read while they're studying with you you would want them to be able to have it easily accessible while they're practiceing or something. I would think that one doesn't tend to practice while online that often. It would be difficult to sift through a bunch of bookmarks for a particular problem, rather than have it already organized, ect.
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