The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Sylvain
Date: 2001-06-27 14:45
Hi I am practising "3 etudes on themes of Gershwin" by Paul Harvey and he suggests an alternate ending for the second piece which uses multiphonic sounds (major third G-B then G#-B)
the Gs are throat Gs.
I cannot produce the sound. I had to do multiphonics before and did not experience too much problems. I was wondering if the fingerings he gave were OK. I have a buffet RC Prestige.
Did anybody experienced this problem?
The fingerings are the following:
G-B: From bottom E take off your left thumb and open the B thrill key (second from top) with the knuckle of your first finger right hand.
G#-B: to raise the G natural to G# add the G sharp key with the first finger left hand.
I'd be curious to see if you guys can get the chord especially if you have the same instrument as I.
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Author: David
Date: 2001-06-28 16:01
No luck with it, though I am presently working with an intermediate model Selmer. In my own opinion, a cheap peice of plastic.
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Author: Sylvain
Date: 2001-06-29 17:16
I managed to get it done but you have to relax a lot the embouchure and it does not work well with hard reeds.
I think I'll just use the standard ending.
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Author: Dr. Jacob Mathias
Date: 2002-06-18 03:54
Try resting the lower lip more and puffing a bit from the cheecks...keep the reed light and put a wee bit more mouthpiece in the mouth. My boosey seems ideal for multiphonics...
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