The Clarinet BBoard
Author: abrogard
Date: 2019-07-12 01:22
Does anyone know where I might find a fingering chart for the clarinet after the style of this attached Recorder fingering chart?
I can find many 'better' charts on the web but I want this particular simple 'compressed' style if I can get it.
Ah... tried to attach an image but it hasn't worked.
I've put the image up on imgur:
Post Edited (2019-07-12 04:58)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-07-12 01:36
And if you mean an actual printed chart, I use the one out of the Alfred Uhl method book one. It has Boehm on one side and Oehler on the other side.
............Paul Aviles
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Author: abrogard
Date: 2019-07-12 02:33
'And if you mean...' ? 'And' ? Is some of your text missing maybe?
I mean a chart I can print out if you know of any....
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Author: abrogard
Date: 2019-07-12 04:07
Yep, I'm always looking for free when I can find it...
That's a good little chart, best I've seen yet, thanks for that clue...
I don't understand your mention of the '1 and 1' for the throat E♭ - you mean the side keys perhaps?
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2019-07-12 04:16
Her is an extreme set of fingerings, 5+octaves although the highest altissimo fingerings don't work on all clarinets.
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Author: abrogard
Date: 2019-07-12 04:21
Yes, I've seen those, Ken, I have them downloaded, they're excellent I imagine though I'm not competent to pronounce on the actual fingerings, what would I know, I'm lucky if I can make a sound...
but what I'm specifically looking for is the format... that brief, bare listing of just the holes...
Takes up so little space I can get more on an A4 page, you see...
And nice big black circles it can be seen from some distance....
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-07-12 04:42
The bridge key mechanism is there so that we can play the "Bb" that sits on the first ledger line above the staff using the first fingers of each hand.......great for arpeggios and other circumstances. Unfortunately due to the acoustic properties of the clarinet, using the same fingering for the twelfth below (throat "Eb") renders an "Eb" that is almost a quarter tone sharp. I am particularly sensitive to this since I have run into a number of students that for some God forsaken reason have taken this on as their primary fingering for "Eb."
For some really fast passages (or odd large interval trills) you can get away with using this fingering but otherwise should be avoided at all costs. I have no idea why Buffet lists that fingering on a "standard fingering" chart. It could be included in a trill chart or special circumstances mention but not as a normal fingering.
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2019-07-12 04:54
1 & 1 is the index finger on each hand covering it's hole.
And Paul, the fingering tunes well on my Ridenour Lyrique and I would guess also on the new Uebel Clarinets.
Post Edited (2019-07-12 06:06)
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Author: abrogard
Date: 2019-07-12 04:57
I think I understand. You're referring to the options that require stopping any one of the three holes in the lower joint?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2019-07-12 06:18
Dear abrogard,
Yes, however the pitch is a little higher with the other two options.
No, the note is just as out of tune on Uebels. I've played plenty of them to include two recent Superiors. It's typically a universal clarinet problem. For example, on Oehler system using one and three of the left hand is a great high "Bb" (sitting on top of the first ledger line above the staff), however that fingering does NOT work for the corresponding "Eb."
I have not played the Ridenours but I do know they tune a little odd (different from pretty much any other clarinet), but I'd check that really close with a tuner if I were you.
..................Paul Aviles
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2019-07-14 00:03
Thank you for the Buffet fingering chart Paul. It's great. I've printed it out. :-)
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