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 O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2019-01-20 03:39

I believe this BB is viewed all over the world. I thought that it might be interesting (and fun!) to find out just how many individuals from cities/states or countries inside or outside of the U.S. that either just view or post periodically.

Please just city/state or country. (OK, some "boasting" points about where you live would be wonderful too!)

Even if your city/state or country is already listed, please add your name.

Thank you for your participation in this survey.

p.s. Thanks, Karl. I just love the edit function!

Post Edited (2019-01-21 01:45)

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 Re: O.T. In what foreign city/country do you live?
Author: kdk 
Date:   2019-01-20 05:06

Better be careful of your word choice - to many readers of this BB *we in the U.S.* are in a "foreign" country. :)


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 Re: O.T. In what city/country do you live?
Author: monnarush 
Date:   2019-01-20 14:27

:) Some days I think WV is a foreign country :) But I love my State!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/country do you live?
Author: Michael E. Shultz 
Date:   2019-01-20 15:58

Wooster, Ohio USA

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx

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 Re: O.T. In what city/country do you live?
Author: Tony F 
Date:   2019-01-20 17:26

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Tony F.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/country do you live?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2019-01-20 18:14

Cancun, MX

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 Re: O.T. In what city/country do you live?
Author: Chetclar 
Date:   2019-01-20 18:16

Webster, Texas

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2019-01-21 01:52

Grantsville, Utah (Hey, I might as well join in on the fun!)

I changed the thread heading and some of the wording in my original post.
In case you're wondering where in the world is Grantsville, I'm located 50 miles west of Salt Lake City.

Ya know...this thread really could become very interesting and even fun!

Keep 'em coming!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: kdk 
Date:   2019-01-21 01:55

Middletown Twp (next to Langhorne and a Philadelphia suburb), Pennsylvania, U.S.


Post Edited (2019-01-21 03:11)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: cigleris 
Date:   2019-01-21 02:16

London UK

Peter Cigleris

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Caroline Smale 
Date:   2019-01-21 02:56

Winchester, (the ancient capital of England) UK

small world Vanessa .. 50+ years ago I lived in Wandsworth Common !

Post Edited (2019-01-22 03:07)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Nessie1 
Date:   2019-01-21 03:06

Another one in London UK - But, funnily enough, I lived in Winchester for many years!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: JMason 
Date:   2019-01-21 03:29

104 acres of heaven in Center, Texas USA.
Or by some other names "Deep East Texas" or "The Pinny Woods". For those of you not fortunate enough to live in TEXAS, about 150 miles north of Houston.

The only internet I have is by satellite and the only phone is a land line no such thing as cell service out here. I have deer in my front yard and can shoot guns off my back porch.

The only drawback is there is not a lot of music around here unless you like country western. While I have nothing against country western music it does not lend itself to the clarinet. So it is mostly me and Jamey Aebersold Jazz play along books.
But I would not want to live anywhere else.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: GBK 
Date:   2019-01-21 03:54

Southampton, Long Island, New York


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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: seabreeze 
Date:   2019-01-21 04:23

New Orleans, Louisiana

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: johng 2017
Date:   2019-01-21 07:22

Vancouver, Washington, USA

John Gibson, Founder of JB Linear Music, www.music4woodwinds.com

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: marcia 
Date:   2019-01-21 10:03

Vancouver, BC, Canada

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: fernie121 
Date:   2019-01-21 10:56

Bellflower, California, USA. In Los Angeles County

I feel fortunate here being able to grow around so many great musicians and seeing lots of great live music and shows.

Post Edited (2019-01-21 10:58)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: oian 
Date:   2019-01-21 11:52

Selma, California Just south of Fresno in the central valley.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Luuk 
Date:   2019-01-21 12:44

Son en Breugel, 10 km north of Eindhoven (design and technology center, ranking among the top ten innovative cities of the world), The Netherlands.


Philharmonie Brainport
The Netherlands

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Mike Blinn 
Date:   2019-01-21 15:47

Middletown, Connecticut, USA.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Burt 
Date:   2019-01-21 16:44

Palmyra VA. In the "sticks" 10 miles from Thomas Jefferson's home. But 40 years in the great state of Texas before that.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Paul Aviles 
Date:   2019-01-21 17:57

Nashville, TN

Home of the world's only COMPLETE Parthenon.

...............Paul Aviles

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Dibbs 
Date:   2019-01-21 18:14

Leeds, W. Yorks., England, UK

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: tucker 2017
Date:   2019-01-21 19:33

Pensacola, FL.

For a city/market this size, we're very lucky to have TWO community bands, an incredible symphony orchestra (go Peter Rubardt!), one of the fastest growing opera companies in the US, ballet, and numerous smaller ensembles/jazz bands. Great arts scene.... not to mention some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. That's my plug!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: MichaelW 
Date:   2019-01-21 23:07
Attachment:  MUSIKHOCHSCHULE.jpg (32k)

Wunstorf, 25 km from Hannover, Germany ("UNESCO City of Music". University of Music with well-known violin contest and piano class: Igor Levit and others, and almost unique Chair in Musicians' Medicine).

Grandchildren are playing violin, viola or 'cello and, last not least, spending their "free" time singing in Hannover Mädchenchor resp. Knabenchor, touring as far as GB, Czechia, Japan, China.

Post Edited (2019-01-21 23:23)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: david1675 
Date:   2019-01-22 21:40

I live in the woods between Coldspring and Cleveland, Texas. Right on the border between East and Southeast Texas.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Tobin 
Date:   2019-01-22 21:44

Charlottesville, Virginia.

Gnothi Seauton

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: EaubeauHorn 
Date:   2019-01-22 21:44

Southern Arizona in the hot hot HOT desert.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: NOLA Ken 
Date:   2019-01-23 21:08

New Orleans, Louisiana (again)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: RefacerMan 
Date:   2019-01-23 23:50

Bossier City, Louisiana.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: super20bu6 
Date:   2019-01-24 06:46

Originally from Nashville, TN (Hey Paul A....)

But live in North Kingstown, RI and play in CT, RI, and MA.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: TrueTone 
Date:   2019-01-24 07:19

From Huntsville, AL; and currently go to college in Hattiesburg, MS. (with a semester here at USM that for some odd reason only starts tomorrow, which is really late, in my opinion.)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Paul Aviles 
Date:   2019-01-24 08:10


Music City says Hey back!

..................Paul Aviles

P.S. I have a friend out there who lives in RI and plays in the Grand Military Band as well as a similar group in PA.

Post Edited (2019-01-24 08:16)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: davyd 
Date:   2019-01-24 14:49

The traffic-choked suburban sprawl known as Northern, Virginia.

Post Edited (2019-01-26 06:52)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: sax panther 
Date:   2019-01-24 15:26

Southampton, south coast of England

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Mike Baines 
Date:   2019-01-24 16:41

I live in the South of France midway between Marseille and Nice, also live in awe of the contributors to this board who make it a wonderful educational source.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: tucker 2017
Date:   2019-01-24 20:38

I want to live where Mike lives. ha ha

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: sonicbang 
Date:   2019-01-25 01:35

Budapest, Hungary

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2019-01-25 01:44

The trad jazz desert of (southeastern) Wyoming.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: zhangray4 
Date:   2019-01-25 03:52

I am from the Thousand Oaks region in California. A fun fact is that we made the news a few times within the last 6 months: first a vintage plane crashed in the middle of US-101. then there was a shooting at a bar. and finally the Woolsey fire burned a lot of houses and hills in our region.

-- Ray Zhang

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Barry Vincent 
Date:   2019-01-26 08:34

Hunter Valley NSW Australia


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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: JEG 2017
Date:   2019-01-27 05:01

Huntington NY, about an hour west of GBK.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Kim6141 
Date:   2019-01-27 05:12

Southkorea, busan

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2019-01-27 06:56

Kim6141 wrote:

> Southkorea, busan

Pretty much my second home from 1973 thru 1980 :)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: kalees 
Date:   2019-01-29 22:42

Midlands UK

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Kim6141 
Date:   2022-07-16 09:06

I just read this. I hope your memories in Busan were goodkalees wrote:

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: jim sclater 
Date:   2022-07-16 15:40

Clinton MS, USA


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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Burt 
Date:   2022-07-16 18:32

Palmyra, VA (60 miles west of Richmond).

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: SunnyDaze 
Date:   2022-07-16 18:50

I'm in Cambridge, UK.

I had no idea that everybody was so spread out all over the world. I feel as though I've been on a world tour holiday, just from reading this thread. :-)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: kerryklari 
Date:   2022-07-16 21:05

South west Kerry, south west Ireland.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2022-07-16 23:14

Well now, after a year in Buscerias on the Pacific coast of Mexico just north of Puerto Vallarta, I am now comfortably ensconced in Guadalajara, Mexico, working with Improving and helping my wife with her new loncheria, Tazon Orquidea. If you're ever nearby drop me a line!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: hans 
Date:   2022-07-16 23:43

Courtenay, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Post Edited (2022-07-16 23:45)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Bennett 2017
Date:   2022-07-17 03:31

California (San Francisco Bay Area), US

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: davidjsc 
Date:   2022-07-17 09:34

The suburbs of Vancouver, British Columbia.


~~ Alto Clarinet; Bass Clarinet; B-flat and C Boehm Clarinets; Albert C Clarinet; Oboe ~~

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Nelson 
Date:   2022-07-17 11:38

Adelaide in usually sunny South Australia...but at the moment it's mid-winter and chilly


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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: donald 
Date:   2022-07-17 12:19

Hans, I played a concert in Courtney in 1988! Loved it there, would move to BC in a shot!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Sarton 
Date:   2022-07-17 13:48

Edam, Netherlands

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Ebclarinet1 
Date:   2022-07-17 21:41

Beautiful Salem Oregon!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: AndyW 
Date:   2022-07-18 03:12

Saying Hi from south of Glasgow in Scotland -A-

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: super20dan 
Date:   2022-07-18 05:49

orange park florida usa

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Trondeh 
Date:   2022-07-18 11:08

Hi from Oslo, Norway :-)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Djudy 
Date:   2022-07-18 12:59
Attachment:  world countries.JPG (74k)

I remember seeing somewhere a site where you can create a fill-in map of sites visited etc. Can't find that so I just did it by countries thru this post. Anybody know of one for cities?

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: kilo 
Date:   2022-07-18 14:05

Downeast Maine, USA

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Chris_C 2017
Date:   2022-07-18 15:23

Bristol, UK

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Stonewall 
Date:   2022-07-18 21:09

Fredericksburg, VA

U.S. Marine Band Alumni

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: fernpod 
Date:   2022-07-21 04:20

Marion, IL known as "The Hub of the Universe"

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: ClarinetRobt 
Date:   2022-07-21 17:52

Ingleside, TX USA
Corpus Christi is the nearest city center

~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: dhiraj 
Date:   2022-07-21 18:35

Osaka, Japan

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: clarlyn 
Date:   2022-07-28 08:23

a bit north of Seattle, Washington.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: mariobel 
Date:   2022-07-28 17:08

Montréal QC Canada

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: ruben 
Date:   2022-07-28 19:29

Paris, France


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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: 2cekce 2017
Date:   2022-08-02 01:56

Atlanta, GA
Playing with a matching band at the moment, will rejoin concert band when covid subsides a bit. The time has allowed me to practice my C clarinet and flute. My Bb and Eb are tucked away at the moment.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: ACCA 
Date:   2022-08-02 16:09

Robertsbridge, East Sussex, UK

Home to Gray Nicolls, manufacturer of world class cricket bats used in top international competitions.

(For you Americans (and I'm one to by birth), "Cricket" in this context refers not to an insect but a sport, whose rules may be concisely explained as follows:

You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: lydian 
Date:   2022-08-02 18:08

2cekce wrote:

> Playing with a matching band at the moment

What’s a matching band?

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: donald 
Date:   2022-08-02 18:15

After I left school I played in a social cricket team, wielding a Gray Nicholls at called "Thumper" due to my Lance Cairns like ability to whack out an over of 6's
I recall a game against forestry workers in Tokoroa where we ended up sleeping on the pitch and driving the hour home at 6am tge next morni g. What a game!

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Hy-Dex 
Date:   2022-08-02 19:17

Cincinnati, Ohio - and seek others for chamber music (duos, trios, quartets, etc.)

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Chris Sereque 
Date:   2022-08-10 03:59

San Luis Obispo, California, possibly the coolest place, temperature-wise, in the USA now.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: WoodsyBloom 
Date:   2022-08-14 10:19

Fort Worth, TX

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: tyleman 
Date:   2022-08-14 19:49

I live in Villereal, a small village in southwest France. I moved here from the Portland, Oregon area. Before that I live 13 years in New Orleans where I played music professionally.

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: marcia 
Date:   2022-08-14 20:13

>You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side >that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in >until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side >that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get >men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try >to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and >goes in. When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both >sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who >are not out, that is the end of the game.

And a test match can las for 3 days......and end in a draw!! [rotate]

Marcia--who is Canadian but lived in Australia for a number of years

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 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: Tom H 
Date:   2022-08-15 08:38

Current address-- Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada (suburb of Halifax).
Address most of my teaching career-- Thompson (Northern) Manitoba, Canada.
Native of-- Yonkers, New York, USA and still play summers in the area.

The Most Advanced Clarinet Book--
tomheimer.ampbk.com/ Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001315, Musicnotes product no. MB0000649.

Boreal Ballad for unaccompanied clarinet-Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001314.
Musicnotes product no. MNO287475

Reply To Message
 Re: O.T. In what city/state or country do you live?
Author: PaulIsaac 
Date:   2022-08-17 01:25

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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