The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Reed B Chirpin
Date: 2018-08-24 22:20
I’ve heard through the rumor mill that Ricardo Morales is no longer with Backun. Is this true?
A quick check of the Backun website revealed that there is no mention of his name on any of the MoBa products, nor was he listed as an artist...
Wonder what he’s playing on if this is indeed true....
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Author: gavalanche20
Date: 2018-08-24 22:28
That sounds extremely unlikely, where exactly did you hear this from?
Backun have just been releasing some promotional tutorial videos featuring Ricardo on their YouTube channel:
Plus, I always thought MoBa was a portmanteau of Morales and Backun (although I guess Morrie would fit as well), so a departure from him would probably have necessitated a branding change.
Post Edited (2018-08-24 22:30)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2018-08-24 22:36
gavalanche20 wrote:
> Plus, I always thought MoBa was a portmanteau of Morales and
> Backun (although I guess Morrie would fit as well), so a
> departure from him would probably have necessitated a branding
> change.
Future MoBa products just labeled as Ba? ![[wink]](
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2018-08-25 17:05
What I’ve read says that Backun and Morales have parted ways. I don’t believe that Ricardo is on the Backun website anymore.
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2018-08-25 19:22
Ricard was on the artist page August 7 (last snapshot by the Internet Archives), not there today. But that could mean many different things...
We'll have to wait and see.
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Author: J. J.
Date: 2018-08-25 19:45
If I was Backun Musical and I was sitting on a bunch of Morales videos I’d shot... I might also dump them all at once in YouTube.
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Author: William
Date: 2018-08-25 20:47
But really, who cares.......what works for Ricardo will not necessarily work for anyone else. Worry less about equipment and more about practice.
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Author: Exiawolf
Date: 2018-08-26 02:27
I heard he switched to Uebel from someone who spoke with a repair man in Philly
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Author: Caihlen
Date: 2018-08-26 04:34
Well, if Morales is done with Backun then so am I. Anybody want to buy an Alpha with Protegé barrel and bell?
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2018-08-26 04:49
Caihlen wrote:
> Well, if Morales is done with Backun then so am I. Anybody want
> to buy an Alpha with Protegé barrel and bell?
I'll trade you my Cold War era Uebel for for it. You know, seeing as Uebels are the new hot clarinet to have right now...
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2018-08-26 16:32
Yes it's true. I've been in contact with him about it and he told me they have parted in an amicable way after 17 years. Ricardo was a student of mine. He's now playing Uebel clarinet, made by a German clarinet company.
Don't forget, Morales is always searching. He used to play Buffets when he was a student, then Lebancs, then Selmers and then worked with Backun. Morales is Morales, that's just him, a great player and innovator.
Post Edited (2018-08-27 21:20)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-08-26 17:29
This has got to be one of the funniest things that I have read in a LONG time!
Let me explain.
Starting about five years ago I was introduced to the Uebel which is a fine horn. And for at least a couple of years thereafter I could not find anything wrong with them, albeit there was a tendency for their global pitch to ride high.
Cut to just a few months ago I was finally ready to get my own. Since I wanted gold plating for my metal eating fingers, the "Rose Gold Superior" seemed the only way to go. I found though that the global pitch of Uebels in general has gotten much much lower (I tried a random Advantage with exhibiting this same problem). That in itself was not a problem......we call that buying a shorter barrel. So upon receipt of my Rose Gold Superior it was QUICKLY apparent that my acid sweat was immediately eating through the alloy of copper and gold. The representative stepped up and replaced the horn with a "24kt Superior" (new, yellow gold version....still not advertised). It was also a lower pitch horn, but also had a little quirkiness as far as the internal pitch. It took longer to figure out that the issues of flatness would NOT be correctable without reworking the bore and undercutting (if even that would fix the issues) and I was forced to give it up.
The up shot is that Uebel and I have parted ways and I am now back to Buffet. I guess that makes me an innovator as well.
.............Paul Aviles
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2018-08-26 20:04
Do you happen to know which model Uebel Ricardo is playing? I would assume it would be either one of the the top three models (Superior, Superior II, or Exellence) or a new model just for him. But the Exellence is a very different instrument from the two Superiors.
Even though it is true that "what works for Ricardo may not work for anyone else," the mere fact that a leading principal orchestral clarinetist of his caliber has switched will certainly be a great boost to the Uebel brand, which up to now, I gather from their ads, has not been able to attract any really "big name" players.
Players today are trying everything. There is no great "herd movement" (at least not yet) away from Buffet towards anything, including Yamaha, Selmer, Backun, or Uebel. I'm sure many players are eager to hear how Ricardo sounds on his Uebel, whichever model it might be, though. I know I am! I'm also waiting for an American player of note to switch to a Josef clarinet (Japanese). Dirk Altmann sounds great on his MK11 Josef in Stuttgart.
I thought you had settled in on Yamaha as your favorite clarinet.
Post Edited (2018-08-26 20:23)
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Author: fernie121
Date: 2018-08-26 20:28
I know people stick with Buffet due to their “sweet sound” or whatever, but I’ve never heard anyone stick with Buffet because of intonation!
I’m just curious to know what Morales sees in the Uebel that he doesn’t in the Backun. Morales himself has said it doesn’t matter how pretty you think your sound is, in this day and era you have to play well in tune, and with great consistency.
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Author: gatto
Date: 2018-08-26 20:45
>>I’ve never heard anyone stick with Buffet because of intonation!
I've nothing to complain about with my RC Prestiges. Intonation is fine.
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Author: Philip Caron
Date: 2018-08-26 20:55
Based on hearing recordings from a number of times in Ricardo's career, Ricardo sounds like Ricardo no matter what he's playing.
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Author: fernie121
Date: 2018-08-26 20:58
Gatto, I’m not saying you can’t find a buffet with acceptable intonation. I’ve just never known it to be a selling point.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2018-08-26 21:13
Paul I do not know the model he's using. And I left out that he played a Yamaha for a while when he won a compitition and they gave him one. I agree with Phillip, he always sounds the same no matter what. He's just a natural player and has his own voice just like a great opera singer. I try to go to Philly once a year to hear him and say hello to him and his lovely wife. Always sounds great no matter what reed or clarinet or mouthpiece or ligature he's using. I don't know why he switched, we didn't get into it because he's in Japan now and I just asked him if he left Backun and that was his answer. I was surprised when I read it on FB so I messaged him and asked.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-08-26 22:31
Dear Clarineteer,
Perhaps you are referring to the "RZ Capriccio." The newest Superior that I had the pleasure to play (and despite my individual issues, it was still a pleasure) was equipped with the standard rod/pivot set-up. The "RZ Capriccio" has a LOT of adjustment screws (to which you referred above) but if you look at the up close photo of the "G#" key, it is still the end of a rod. Maybe they replaced one or two rods with pivots.
In my opinion the "all pivot" idea would be fraught with as many negatives as the "all axle" configuration of the Boosey and Hawkes Symphony 1010. Some traditional mechanics are traditional......because they work.
............Paul Aviles
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2018-08-27 00:11
I think Ricardo has been looking for something not so dark. I kind of saw this coming when he switched to a crystal mouthpiece not long ago. I think the Philly Orchestra will benefit greatly.
Now I wonder if David Shifrin and many others may make a move too.
As I've always said the Zinner mouthpieces are on the dead side and the sound doesn't carry in a lot of halls, but up close the mouthpiece sounds very nice. Our ears play tricks on us between knowing the difference between dark and warm. I feel the same with his horns. We have to get away from that 5 foot mark maybe 10 feet and then see how the horns behave. As Marcellus often asked me - does the reed sound buzzy? He knew that a buzzy reed would warm up and get that pinging and ringing sound and fill the hall. Up close this is hard to figure out sometimes.
These new horns he is playing on are very good. Warm sounding and we might see him make a mouthpiece change again as the crystal might be too bright. He's playing on a Pomarico so maybe he will go to a rubber one from the same company. These are where Mitchell Lurie got his from and as we know he had a very nice sound.
Yes Pomarico stamped Backun on the crystal mouthpieces as he did with Mitchell Lurie. These are not Backun mouthpieces.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
Post Edited (2018-08-31 07:19)
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-08-27 07:15
Dear Clarineteer,
Is there any publicly available information on this new model?
.................Paul Aviles
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2018-08-27 08:48
>> ...will include stainless steel pivot screws throughout the entire instrument. No long rods whatsoever. <<
There are advantages to both types of screws, so it's not like pivot screws are fundamentally better (BTW some companies use stainless rod and pivot screws). Anyway it would be interesting to see the design of (e.g.) the throat A key, low Ab/Eb and F/C hinge and upper section ring keys. Do they just add more posts in those already crowded areas?
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-08-27 17:55
"In my opinion the "all pivot" idea would be fraught with as many negatives as the "all axle" configuration of the Boosey and Hawkes Symphony 1010. Some traditional mechanics are traditional......because they work."
Have yet to experience the negatives of no pivot screws. All rods is one of my favorite things about 1010s. Pivot screws always have to be just right, and eventually, some won't be. When they get to the point where you can't screw them in all the way and they are a little too loose to stay in adjustment, you're stuck with a repair bill or a kludge. Maybe chewing gum or something. They're like the crow's foot with no adjustment screws. They're like Windows when you've got too many services running from programs you thought you'd uninstalled.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-08-27 18:31
The problem with axles is a bent key. That's because a bent key means a bent rod. If you've ever spent time trying to straighten a bent rod you'd know what bothers me about them. Of course you can just machine a new one, but then the time and expense are probably worse than the fixes one would use for a loose pivot.
................Paul Aviles
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Author: KenJarczyk
Date: 2018-08-27 20:51
David -
Is there a pending confirmation of your endorsements of Vito clarinets?
Ken Jarczyk
Woodwinds Specialist
Eb, C, Bb, A & Bass Clarinets
Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones
Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-08-27 21:53
"The problem with axles is a bent key. That's because a bent key means a bent rod. If you've ever spent time trying to straighten a bent rod you'd know what bothers me about them. Of course you can just machine a new one, but then the time and expense are probably worse than the fixes one would use for a loose pivot."
Paul, you're right, and I've had to spend the time to do that. Exactly once. After that, I became much more careful grabbing my instruments. For those who can't learn this, there are pivot screws!
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Author: KenJarczyk
Date: 2018-08-28 07:28
David -
Very good comeback!
You probably know the answer - at what point would someone like Ricardo decide to “test the waters” and how long has he been on the new horn?
If all this is true, Uebel is probably looking at quite the sales increase!
Ken Jarczyk
Woodwinds Specialist
Eb, C, Bb, A & Bass Clarinets
Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones
Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo
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Author: fernie121
Date: 2018-08-28 08:51
Ive never tried top model Uebels. I’ll admit I sure do want to now.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2018-08-28 09:19
>> When they get to the point where you can't screw them in all the way and they are a little too loose... <<
That isn't really a problem... if the screws are made in the best way, which is regular screws (with head), made accurately so there is no play when tightened. There is eventually wear but, first, it's very slow, and second, it's usually easier and faster to repair than wear in keys with rod screws.
One issue is many companies try to find ways around making them this way, to lower cost. Headless screws, plastic sleeves, set screws, etc. Some of these do actually make adjustments easier, but not as good at keeping it. Depending on method, it could be cheaper both because of the part itself but mainly because it saves a lot of fitting time.
Statistically, I see much more wear on keys with rod screws than pivot screws. It is very common for a clarinet to have hinge tubes with axial and end play, while having barely if any play on the hinge rods. It's not anywhere near 100% of the times, but just more common than the other way around.
Some hinge tubes can't even be swedged, so have to be repaired by other more expensive methods.
Another main reason hinge tubes are usually not used for long keys is manufacturing costs. It is harder (more expensive) to make a long hinge tube and rod screw to fit accurately.
A small advantage, which I don't think has much to do with manufacturers' decisions, is that a long hinge tube is likely to bind if bent, but a key with pivot screws can still work. For example I've seen a lot of bent left side F/C levers to a degree that would absolutely bind on a rod screw, not allowing the F/C key to open once pressed, but still worked with pivot screws.
>> That's because a bent key means a bent rod. <<
Sometimes but not necessarily.
>> Of course you can just machine a new one, but then the time and expense are probably worse than the fixes one would use for a loose pivot. <<
You're right, usually it is. Sometimes bent rod screw take a long time just to remove.
For example, a 0.05mm inaccuracy in a hinge rod (with pivot screws) might be invisible and completely insignificant to the reliability of the instrument, while the same inaccuracy in a hinge tube with rod would prevent it from working at all.
>> Perhaps these will be headless pivot screws like Leblanc used at one time which will allow for easy correct adjustments. <<
Let's hope not, for whoever is going to buy it
Unless they come up with some new brilliant method to counter their issues. To be honest weak thread locker is better than the usual alternatives and is very reliable until you want to adjust them again.
Though the type of screws is irrelevant to what I was curious about before. Do you know when this model is going to come out?
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Author: Anonymoose
Date: 2018-08-28 18:53
Strange thing is that his own website,, is now up for sale.
Post Edited (2018-08-28 18:53)
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2018-08-29 00:10
Ricardo’s long relationship with Backun says a lot about the quality of Backun instruments. These clarinets satisfied the requirements of one of our finest musicians. Hats off to Morrie.
Freelance woodwind performer
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2018-08-30 16:32
There is no news right now at all.
Mouthpiece wise, the crystal is used due to the Legere Reed hitting the mouthpiece harder than the Cane Reeds do, so the facing gets worn out quicker especially with the softer rubber, super high quality Zinner blanks.
Anything else is just speculation, but don't go out and try nor buy anything in advance as there isn't anything to buy right now.
My first loyalty is to myself - if something great comes down the pike, I'll certainly try it (Backun/Buffet/Selmer/Yamaha/whatever), but right now I have been the most impressed by Backun's Clarinets.
That's why I play them - not for the '18 Mercedes AMG way more fun than a Clarinet can be
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Author: KenJarczyk
Date: 2018-08-30 17:29
Thank You, David!
Keep us posted!
And I know you would probably rather drive a Trabant!
As for me, I’ve just made a switcheroo! Fell in love with the Selmer Signature!
So, Bb & A are Selmers, Eb a Buffet R13, Bass a Yamaha.
Ken Jarczyk
Woodwinds Specialist
Eb, C, Bb, A & Bass Clarinets
Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones
Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-09-03 23:06
And he looks happy. That's really all that matters.
................Paul Aviles
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Author: kdk
Date: 2018-09-04 00:41
What orchestra is he playing with in these pics?
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2018-09-04 01:25
Looks like he's playing a rubber mouthpiece again, unless it's a black crystal one. The Kessler Music Store web has a notice that the Backun Morales crystal model has been "discontinued" and is "no longer in production." Wow, that was fast!
Post Edited (2018-09-04 04:06)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2018-09-04 02:14
Clarineteer wrote:
> Must be during the recent world tour.
Of what orchestra? Not Philadelphia. I am a regular patron of Philadelphia Orchestra concerts and I don't recognize any of the other four players who are in the first shot.
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Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2018-09-10 16:29
Did your Alpha suddenly stop working? If a clarinet plays, play it.
Tom Puwalski
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Author: bbillings
Date: 2018-09-11 20:01
"The up shot is that Uebel and I have parted ways and I am now back to Buffet."
You're an equipment hound! Last I recalled you were coveting the CSG-H from Yamaha, LOL.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2018-09-11 20:42
Dear "dorjepismo,"
I have to ask, do you have a Josef? I always enjoy a good "re-envisioning" of something we usually take for granted. Do they tune more evenly? Is the playing characteristic more German (very even internal pitch and less resistant)?
Dear "bbillings,"
Oh, well my personal horns are currently a pair of Yamaha CSGs and I don't necessarily have a problem with them at all. Of course I look for "better" all the time. My dalliance with Uebel was over a long period of time and the tendency of the pitch these days is a sad turn for me, playing quite LOW (what I had noticed across two contemporary Superiors and an Advantage).
Of course I have also spent two years changing up my reeds (gone to Legere) and mouthpiece (much shorter lay), as well as moving to an "easier" set up. So it is a little hard for me to definitively lay all the "blame" squarely on Uebel (which I still consider a well made horn).
One of my major requirement is a key plating that will be resistant to my particularly acidic sweat. This is why gold plating is the most desirable option. To get this option factory manufactured one usually has to order this as a custom product, and then you must take delivery of your custom clarinet......whether you are in love with it or not.
[The advantage to having this done upon initial fabrication is that the gold plating is then applied to the bare metal key......far more desirable. Of course you can retrofit this process by having keys of your favorite clarinet stripped down to bare metal. However, you then may have to build some parts of the keys back up, and most certainly have to refit the keys to their respective posts where the dimensions will have necessarily changed in this process]
Therefore, I hoped to find a consistently built horn on which to "roll the dice" on a custom order. Uebel, until recently seemed to be the way to go since they already have two gold plating options on factory built horns. However, with the consistently good results of pitch and quality of build I had witnessed with Greenline R13s over the course of the last ten years, I think this will be the best option ............ for me.
I do really like the photo of smiling Morales in front of the Uebel facility though! I sincerely hope he has found his "solution"......for awhile.
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: bbillings
Date: 2018-09-11 20:57
We've exchanged emails before, I hope you recall though it has been quite a while since I bothered coming onto the site. For me, I have more work to do on me than on my setup and am particularly happy with my "golden era" R13 that I found brand new in the box several years ago. I change mouthpieces every couple of years it seems but I believe they are analagous to mattresses in that our needs or desires change. Sadly, I don't play it as much as either my saxophone or my bass clarinet which mostly has to do with opportunity though I'm particularly fond of the bass clarinet sound. I recall the acidic fingertip discussion with regard to gold plating as I was curious about the CSG-H clarinets at the time. You were quite helpful on that and possibly another question or two.
With regard to Ricardo Morales, I'd expect his smile to be proportionate to his financial agreement! I'm assuming he was satisfied with the clarinet before seeking a good financial arrangement from Uebel Probably hard for Backun to keep paying both he and Eddie Daniels so I wonder if he left or Backun essentially left him now that their brand is well established. It'd certainly seem a good financial investment for Uebel given Mr. Morales record of aiding in Backun's growth.
Brian Billings
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Author: Klose ★2017
Date: 2018-09-12 07:05{%22issue_id%22:467173,%22view%22:%22articleBrowser%22,%22article_id%22:%222981297%22}
This is probably related to the acquisition of Backun by Eastman. Nevertheless, under the umbrella of Eastman, it looks like Backun will be growing faster.
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-09-12 07:41
Dear Paul,
No. I used that because it's probably one of the few clarinets outside Rccardo's, and most of our, experience. I'd like to try one, though. Clarinet re-envisioned as oboe. They're probably good, but different in ways I can't imagine. I think I've gone far enough afield already ordering boxwood S&Ss with extra gadgetry. But I'm all in favor of re-envisioning. The endorsement thing is a little weird, though. It's like celebrities showing up with new true loves every six months or so and telling the press how transformed their lives are. The picture looked like you could have a stock photo of a beaming Ricardo brandishing a clarinet and gesturing, and then swap out the factory in the background. But why not? Enthusiasm is a good thing, and Übels are good horns.
Post Edited (2018-09-12 17:33)
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Author: D4v1dL1
Date: 2018-09-14 06:24
As to what specific Uebel clarinet Ricardo now plays, judging from the clarinet he is holding in the picture posted on the Uebel Facebook page and their website, I'm fairly certain the Morales is Playing on a Uebel Superior II.
The clarinet he is holding has a dark ring and a silver vent at the top of his bell. Of the top clarinets sold by Uebel, only the Superior II has carbon rings and only the superiors have a silver button on the bell.
However It suggests that Morales isn't using the barrel that comes with the clarinet since, the Superior II barrel as features carbon rings, and the one Ricardo is holding the the picture clearly doesn't.
I would also like to note that Ricardo Morales is still using a crystal mouthpiece based on the image.
I do not know whether that clarinet is THE clarinet he uses or just one that he posed with, but given the customization on that clarinet, it is unlikely that it is one that Uebel just gave to him to pose for the picture.
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Author: D4v1dL1
Date: 2018-09-14 06:24
As to what specific Uebel clarinet Ricardo now plays, judging from the clarinet he is holding in the picture posted on the Uebel Facebook page and their website, I'm fairly certain the Morales is Playing on a Uebel Superior II.
The clarinet he is holding has a dark ring and a silver vent at the top of his bell. Of the top clarinets sold by Uebel, only the Superior II has carbon rings and only the superiors have a silver button on the bell.
However It suggests that Morales isn't using the barrel that comes with the clarinet since, the Superior II barrel as features carbon rings, and the one Ricardo is holding the the picture clearly doesn't.
I would also like to note that Ricardo Morales is still using a crystal mouthpiece based on the image.
I do not know whether that clarinet is THE clarinet he uses or just one that he posed with, but given the customization on that clarinet, it is unlikely that it is one that Uebel just gave to him to pose for the picture.
Post Edited (2018-09-14 06:25)
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