The Clarinet BBoard
Author: jeffyx
Date: 2018-08-21 10:05
I'd like to know first hand differences between the R13 and CSVR. Obviously, there are differences in bore dimension and intonation but how different is it from the R13? What are the pros and cons of both instruments?
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Author: fernie121
Date: 2018-08-21 10:15
I used a friend’s R13 for orchestra for about a year. It was a nice instrument with a pretty tone. I was constantly fighting the intonation though. His A clarinet R13 was even worse. The intonation being so bad I found it unacceptable to play and instead used an old Selmer 9*. Eventually at some point I was looking to buy a new clarinet. I tried many new R13’s and only one CSVR. They are not even in the same league. The CSVR was waaayy better. More even, nicer tone (this is subjective) and superior intonation. The fact they are in the same price range blows my mind. That being said, before pulling the trigger on the purchase I contacted Ridenour and tried a Lyrique G1. I bought the G1
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Author: Matt74
Date: 2018-08-22 06:58
I don’t have any preference (and haven’t played Yamahas), but I found that the intonation on my R13 was very consistent with the right mouthpiece. I didn’t have the same problems that a lot of people complain about, but I was using a small bore mouthpiece and the stock barrel.
The one exception was that my throat and first finger C/G and B/F were out. I assumed this was particular to my horn, because it was restricted to just those notes. My throat A, and the second finger A/D were in tune. However, it may have been the opposite problem of the long notes being out with a large bore mouthpiece.
- Matthew Simington
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2018-08-23 01:55
This general topic has been one of the most discussed here over the last year or two. The search function will yield plenty of fodder.
A more apt comparison quality-wise would be the CSVR to the top model Buffets, not the R13.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2018-08-24 00:32
Played the R13's for close to 40 years. Then I picked up the CSVR's and sold 16 R13's. The sound is surely different up close. But in a hall you can't really hear the difference. The reason for switching was the A clarinet mainly. It is a dream horn to play. Resistance is like playing on a Bb. The R13's are stuffy. I also found the upper registers above high C on the Yamaha's are a breeze to play. With the Buffet's it can be a bit scary wondering if some notes will pop out or not. I can attack the notes on with power and no fear.
So there are the people that won't ever leave Buffet. I know I won't change them. But these Yamaha's are worth looking into. Yes they are pro level and top symphony players do play these horns.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
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