The Clarinet BBoard
Author: cigleris
Date: 2018-08-18 11:32
I have one and it’s my full time mouthpiece. The sound is something and with great core and depth. The material is his own concoction and resonates. They a tough to get hold of because he is a bespoke maker and makes everything from scratch. It took about three months to recieve a parcel with about 6 pieces to try. Email me for any more info.
Peter Cigleris
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Date: 2018-08-25 16:32
I haven't done business with Licostini himself, but I know that my teacher Lorenzo Iosco(former London Symphony/now HK Philharmonic bass clarinettist) has been playing on a Licostini bass mpc for years and sounds fantastic on it. Deep, round sound that projects really far.
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