The Clarinet BBoard![The C4 standard](/clarinet/BBoard/images/C4.gif)
Author: dibble
Date: 2018-05-14 19:09
I have read many reviews of this instrument. Most reviews have not been good. I got one in the mail last week and....WOW! The intonation is far better than I read! The single register key feels different but not bad like most people talk of single register basses. The tone is also very nice. Any Noblet players out there that can add their 2 cents on this model horn?
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Author: dibble
Date: 2018-05-21 17:44
After spending some time with it, I found a major intonation problem. The clarion B, left index finger, was super sharp. Luckily, the 12th below was too. The pad height was the closest I could get it to be without it hissing.
I followed the Clark Fobes article on adding material to toneholes to bring down pitch and....not only did it correct the intonation to a large degree, the note has more focus to it and matches the surrounding notes better!
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