The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Stustu
Date: 2018-04-23 22:29
I am a beginner on clarinet and would like some advice if possible please on an issue.
I have been practising tonguing but git a tiny bit of breath type noise.
To achieve tonguing I have been striking (not hard) near the tip of the reed with the tip of my tongue whilst using the 'Tee' sound method. I am maintaining a steady air flow and do not have any major problems with embouchure whilst playing legato, and most of the time tonguing in the lower register is OK.
It is just the slight breath sound that is of concern.
I clean the instrument regularly and rotate the reeds.
Any advice gratefully received.
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2018-04-23 23:48
If you can share a video or sound file you'll get much better advice here. What you are describing could have several different causes.
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2018-04-24 00:09
>> To achieve tonguing I have been striking (not hard) near the tip of the reed
>> with the tip of my tongue whilst using the 'Tee' sound method.
Just to clarify, you don't start a sound my 'striking' a reed, but by taking the tongue off the reed.
1) set embouchure correctly and firmly.
2) place the top of the tip of the tongue on the bottom of the tip of the reed.
3) build up air pressure - there shouldn't be any sound yet.
4) drop the tongue off the reed and the sound should start.
5) stop the sound by placing the tongue back on the reed.
You can 'find the tip of the reed with your tongue' by playing a long note and moving the tongue slowly until you feel the reed vibrating on the top of the tongue tip.
It will probably squeak and complain the first times you try this but keep adjusting all parts until it works and sounds clean.
There are many ways to 'tongue' depending on tongue size, and all the other parts of ones' anatomy, but this is a good starting point.
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Author: GenEric
Date: 2018-04-24 00:13
It probably means that you're not blowing enough fast air. Although you're making the Tee tongue position, it might not mean that you're not blowing enough air to have the reed start vibrating immediately.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2018-04-24 00:31
Stustu wrote:
> I have been practising tonguing but git a tiny bit of breath
> type noise.
I'm not sure what this means. Do you hear the noise at the beginning of the tone? During the tone (some breath noise that doesn't happen when you're not tonguing)?
If at the beginning of the note, do you hear it after the note starts at all, or does it come before the actual tone and then stop when the tone starts?
If it happens just before the actual tone starts, it may be, looking at Ken's description, the sound of the air pressure building up (step 3) before you release the reed. If that's the case, there may not be anything wrong. You will over time learn to make that pressure build-up time shorter so that it isn't noticeable.
If the issue is something else, try to describe it in more detail.
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Author: Tom H
Date: 2018-04-24 06:08
Practice this: Start on low C. Play CCCDEEEFG and hold the G. Gradually faster and faster. Go as fast as you can and still do it cleanly 9 out of 10 times. Only then, try even a faster speed. Then do it up the scale and hold 3rd space C--ei. CCCDEEEFGGGABBBC a couple of times, then up & down---CCCDEEEFGGGABBBCBBBAGGGFEEEDC. Then up & down to high C (2 octaves). The idea is that it is easier to tongue on one note than deal with the tongue plus moving fingers. But, at various points you are tonguing 3 different notes ei. CCCDEEE--you are tonguing the middle CDE just as fast as the first 3 Cs. It took me a month or two and my tonguing went from fairly sad to impressive. Of course, you can then do it on all scales, major and minor(s), etc. I learned this studying with Leon Russianoff. It is one of the short studies in my book (see Advanced Clarinet Book thread).
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2018-04-25 00:33
Consider using Dah rather than Tee. It won’t be as heavy as Tee
Peter Cigleris
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2018-04-25 02:23
>>Consider using Dah rather than Tee. It won’t be as heavy as Tee
Using "The" is even better!
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2018-04-25 03:53
Ken Lagace wrote:
> >>Consider using Dah rather than Tee. It won’t be as heavy as
> Tee
> Using "The" is even better!
I can’t say Ive found any syllable that begins with a “T” to be other than heavy and percussive.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2018-04-25 06:37
I have tongued using 'The' for 45 successful professional years and it is more gentle than 'Tee' or 'Dah'. That is why I use it and offered the suggestion. It is precise, delicate and non intrusive of the sound. It is crisp if I want and soft if I want and yes, heavy if I want and percussive if I want. I have been praised often on how appropriate my tonguing is. I may have a different anatomy than yours and can do it better my way than any other. If your anatomy works with 'Duh', then that is your way.
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Author: CaptForce
Date: 2018-04-26 02:25
Stustu, I had a similar concern and I had asked about this brief "hissing" sound that I was making with tongued notes above the break. I tried to demonstrate this to my instructor and found that he could not hear this sound and I could not hear it on a recording. I don't have an answer, but I wonder if this could be a resonance conducted within your head and not heard as an outward expression of your playing. I could be mistaken with this thought, but you should check to see if others hear this sound.
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