The Clarinet BBoard
Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-03-04 02:24
In today's Berlin webcast, Wenzel Fuchs was playing a set of clarinets with little white disks with something black in the middle on the top of the top joint. They looked a little like small peppermint lifesavers. Never seen these before. I assume they're maker's marks. Does anyone know who makes these instruments?
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Author: ISM
Date: 2018-03-04 09:39
To me it looked like a hole punch reinforcement label. I didn't know what to make of it.
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Author: Bennett ★2017
Date: 2018-03-04 21:18
Not sure this is relevant but I use something similar only on my A clarinet so I can immediately tell that I don't have my Bb in my hands.
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-03-05 04:25
This was about as conspicuous as you get. Bright white and raised a little above the wood, right next to the register vent. I think it was on both instruments because I saw both the Silverstein and the metal ligature, although the Alpensinfonie only has a Bb part. Do they have Wurlitzer Prestige instruments now? Or maybe it was a statement of some kind. Some Eastern people have jade rings as a sort of mystical thing. Is Wenzel a Taoist?
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-03-09 01:06
Good to know I wasn't hallucinating. He sounded pretty great in that concert!
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Author: zhangray4
Date: 2018-03-09 02:14
Attachment: Fuch No Lifesaver.PNG (887k)
The concert is now on Digital Concert Hall. I did see the "lifesaver" on the Fuchs' clarinet multiple times, but I was able to find one time when there WASN'T a "lifesaver" on his clarinet.
-- Ray Zhang
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Author: JohnP
Date: 2018-03-09 02:14
Does anybody know what sort of earplugs he’s using?
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-03-09 02:28
There are some C parts in the piece, although I don't know if the first part has any. Bb, C, D and Eb.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2018-03-09 12:25
That looks like a reinforcer stuck on there.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2018-03-09 21:43
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Tom Piercy
Date: 2018-03-11 19:50
Re: the "life saver"
He (WMF) was asked: "Was bewirkt der weiße Kreis...?"
He replied: " Nur ein Witz"
translation: Just a joke
Tom Piercy
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2018-03-13 15:51
To prompt rounds of gossip and speculation from the clarinet faithful.
Well played, Wenzel, well played.
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2018-03-13 17:20
Helps that the Music Director has a sense of humor. Wonder if anyone tried something like that under Karajan.
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