The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Wobby8288
Date: 2018-01-30 15:58
So I've been trying to learn how to flutter tongue on clarinet/bass clarinet and I can't do it... I'm trying to learn using my throat because I can't roll my r's, but if there's a method for tongue that doesn't involve tongue rolling, I would be happy to learn that.
I think I can do it for a bit using my throat, but my throat gets sore after a while and it makes me feel like throwing up after?? I'm not sure if this is normal...
Any help in flutter tonguing will be greatly appreciated
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Author: DSMUSIC1
Date: 2018-01-30 23:58
"Any help in flutter tonguing will be greatly appreciated"
Well, in my humble opinion, and I am sure many will disagree with me, you may want to spend more time on learning/discovering how to roll your r's.
For me, I need to keep everything situated toward the front of my embouchure and not my throat. I just finished a tour in Florida where I played Principal on Rite of Spring and I can not understand how anyone can flutter tongue from their throat with any control..... but I am sure some players can.
In the is the end result that matters.
Check out the below link. It is a flutter tonguing tutorial on my youtube channel. It may help you.
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2018-01-31 11:57
It's always come naturally to me, but I've had to help students with it from time to time.
Here's a bunch of stuff you can try:
The simplest concept I've found is to plant your tongue on the roof of your mouth near your front teeth, or on the teeth themselves and then try to keep it there as you attempt to blow air. When your air forces the tongue to move you may get something like a flutter. If your tongue doesn't move, relax it slightly once you are exerting some significant air pressure. (All this without the clarinet in your mouth). Also, it may take many attempts over time before it suddenly 'clicks'.
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