Author: Tom Puwalski
Date: 2018-01-15 05:33
I’ve switched to Yamaha CSRVs and SEVRs after spending 2 years where I owned A Divine, a set of Toscas, a Tradition and a Festival. I was pretty much settled on the Divine when I was asked to try the Yamaha CSVR. I’ve sold all my Buffet clarinets except for the Divine, which is on sale at Hammer music.
The Yamahas are better built, better in tune and play easier than any other clarinets I’ve ever played. And they are some of the least expensive clarinets you can buy.
Tom Puwalski, Yamaha and D’Addario performing Artist former principal Clarinetist of the U.S.Army Field Band, author of “The Clarinetists Guide to Klezmer” and “klezmer Basic Training” Play along CD.