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 Your clarinets after you die
Author: GBK 
Date:   2017-11-16 00:02

Have you given thought or made provisions on what happens to your instruments after you pass away?

Will they go to your spouse? Your children? Your alma mater? Close friends or colleagues? etc...


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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Bob Bernardo 
Date:   2017-11-16 00:15

I went to Interlochen Arts Academy and they were always short on quality horns. I was lucky and was on a full scholarship. So they get my stuff. If you haven't been there it is a very special school. A must visit, summer or winter or both. I went to the academy not the summer camp, but the summer camp brings in the very best artists from around the world to give concerts.

Great question...

Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces

Yamaha Artist 2015

Post Edited (2017-11-16 00:19)

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Tom Puwalski 
Date:   2017-11-16 00:55

In a full blown Viking funeral, a musicians instrument are in the boat with him as he might need them in Valhalla. Mine will be burned with me!

Tom Puwalski

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Ursa 
Date:   2017-11-16 01:38

My sister can have whichever one(s) she wants, and the rest go to kids who need 'em.

I suspect, however, they'll have to pay someone to haul my Wurlitzer 4300 organ away. Even though it's been well maintained with rebuilt amplifiers and rotating speaker drive system, vintage electronic organs are practically worthless these days. Even Hammonds, other than the B-3, just don't pique much interest.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Tony F 
Date:   2017-11-16 02:39

Mine are going to a group who match instruments with needy students. My guitars have already gone to the local high school. No use my keeping them once the arthritis started to bite.

Tony F.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Katrina 
Date:   2017-11-16 06:17

I've worried about this for years now. Particularly about my Bb which I've had since 1983. The other instruments I own don't seem to be a part of me the way my main instrument is. Still don't know what I'll do.

The others can be sold or donated. ;)

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Hank Lehrer 
Date:   2017-11-16 08:11

I have started to sell off some of my equipment. I've started with my backup alto (Mark VI) and backup Bb soprano clarinet (Yamaha CS Custom). I have given a couple of instruments to the children of friends and some classic pieces of equipment to my repair tech to do as he sees fit (he has always been great to me).

At a certain point, one must make some tough decisions since parting with an instrument that has been your main axe for many years is hard. But my wife is in the loop as to what things are worth and I have shared a list of instruments and values with her. Also, she knows who to take any instruments and equipment to so that he can dispose of odds and ends, take a commission, and give her the balance.

I have always believed that your love your mate, family, friends, and country but anything else is disposable.


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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: bmcgar 2017
Date:   2017-11-16 08:50

The rarer instruments to the National Music Museum in Vermillion SD.

The rest will either be sold or given to former students.


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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: sax panther 
Date:   2017-11-16 09:55

Mine will be donated to schemes that need them - either local schools or music charities, or there are also various schemes to get musica equipment to underprivileged young people in Africa.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: jim lande 
Date:   2017-11-16 11:01

20 years ago my younger son looked at my growing pile of metal clarinets and asked "when you die, am I going to get stuck taking care of these?" Nope. I'm willing them to eBay.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2017-11-16 12:15

I've no idea who would want my clarinets as they're not exactly your bog standard 17 key 6 ring models and are mostly older Selmers, so with that level of unpopularity, they'll most likely end up collecting dust somewhere.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Fuzzy 
Date:   2017-11-16 21:53

Say it ain't so, Jim! ;^)>>>

I'm hoping to find a knowledgeable person to take over my collection so that the clarinets end up being used by folks who appreciate them.

Realistically, they'll probably end up in someone's closet - with the eventual result of the best ones being considered trash and thrown away by the well-intentioned, and the cheap ones being kept and heralded as "rare antique clarinet" on whatever comes after e-bay.


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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: dorjepismo 2017
Date:   2017-11-16 22:23

Hadn't thought much about it, but do have friends I could trust to find a needy student with enough talent to do something with them.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Alseg 
Date:   2017-11-17 00:44

Placed horizontally and attached to fittings they would make wonderful handles for the pallbearers.
The upper joints will go on the left side of the casket, of course.

-Where the Sound Matters Most(tm)-

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: nellsonic 
Date:   2017-11-17 01:23

Somehow jokes about this aren't funny to me. (shrugs) Knowing that the tools that served me well in life will continue to serve others when I am gone is deeply meaningful. Mine are being willed to one of my best lifelong friends who is both a clarinetist and band director. I trust that he will see to them being put to good use, hopefully by deserving young people who might not otherwise get the opportunity to play on quality gear.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Barry Vincent 
Date:   2017-11-17 02:11

If my wife outlives me then all my stuff , including my Clarinets, Oboes. Flutes and Recorders will most likely end up in the Lifeline Op Shop as she's the floor manager there. All I have to do , and soon I reckon is to put a sale price on each one as to what I think it's worth second hand, remembering that things are only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Sean.Perrin 
Date:   2017-11-19 05:27

Wow this is a dark topic... Never thought about it! Worth considering though I suppose.

Founder and host of the Clarineat Podcast: http://www.clarineat.com

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Hank Lehrer 
Date:   2017-11-19 16:31


Not really a dark topic when one gets older it is reality.

I play golf with a retired banker who used to run the trust department. His advice to some of his customers with collections of things like guns, antique autos, and musical instruments (like me) that at 75 years of age, one should make some of these decisions.

I am a very pragmatic individual and thrifty as well. I'd hate nothing more that to have my wife taken advantage of by a buyer that would not give her a fair price for some of the instruments I have acquired. I'd rather begin to dispose of some things now so I know that my ROI is somewhat reasonable.

Selling items on this BB as well as on eBay is pretty easy and I know that I'll usually get a fair price.


PS I recently sold an almost new Sony digital mini-recorder recently for more than I paid for it; it was just collecting dust in a cabinet.

Post Edited (2017-11-19 19:47)

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: ssterling 
Date:   2017-11-19 18:58

If I become a big name in the world of orchestral music, I'd probably have them auctioned off and the proceeds donated to a charitable foundation to benefit music education across the USA. Otherwise, I'll likely pass them onto my kin, alma mater and/or students (if I become a private instructor).

Alseg wrote:
> Placed horizontally and attached to fittings they would make wonderful
> handles for the pallbearers.

That too, especially my cheap-o instruments.

Seth Price (Sabine Meyer wannabe)

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Roxann 
Date:   2017-11-19 20:24

I think it's important for your heirs to understand the value of each of your instruments so that they don't end up being donated to the local charity store or pawn shop.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: ClarinetRobt 
Date:   2017-11-20 00:04

I appreciate you presenting this to the Bboard. This discussion let to a talk in my house last night. I have everyone on the same page if something were to happen to me. More than likely, they'll be given my local Alma Mater with the understanding my horns by used as school instruments for disadvantaged kids.

Kinda like my Prestige Buffet I'm about to sell. I have the luxury of finding it a good home without being forced to sell. I want to make sure the horn finds a good home is actually played and not sitting in a closet somewhere.

~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: Wes 
Date:   2017-11-20 23:10

It is a good idea to put a post it note in each instrument case giving the essential facts about the instrument, a date, and the reasonable price, if sold.
Heirs will be thankful for this information. I have some difficult ones to sell, such as a transitional Conn silver plated bass saxophone keyed to high F.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: LGS316217 
Date:   2018-01-16 19:59

I can tell you what happens if you don't plan ahead. I was devoted to the teacher I had growing up. He was a pro with an eclectic career that spanned 50 years and two continents. His instruments were old timers like they just don't make anymore: B flat is a low serial number (mid to late 1940s) pre R13 Buffet. His A was supplied to him by the British Army (for several years he was a member of Her Majesty's Life Guards Band of the Household Cavalry), made by Rudall Carte (later acquired by Boosey & Hawkes), which had the military contract for musical instruments. He kept them in a fine Buffet double case with the crushed red velvet interior. They were meticulously maintained, but he'd been a soldier and a P.O.W. in Germany in WW II, and was not afraid to work with whatever he had or DIY to get a job done, so in addition to pro repairs and maintenance he made plenty of modifications himself. In the early '90s unfortunately he developed Parkinson's disease and had to give up playing. He died in 1996, leaving just his wife and son. They were so devastated, I never asked what happened to the instruments. I figured it would be intrusive, greedy, and rude to ask, and that if they wanted me to have them, they would bring it up. They never did. Well, his son just died a month ago, at the age of 71, in poverty and leaving no heirs and no will. Settling his affairs has fallen to another friend, who generously offered to let me take what I wanted from the estate. Last week after the funeral we set about the arduous task of going through years of accumulated junk. I thought maybe the clarinets had been sold long ago out of financial distress. But at the same time I could not believe this family would ever part with them. Well, the search finally paid off and the double case was found hidden behind a stereo speaker. But when I opened it up a real disappointment: Almost all of the hardware had been removed from the B flat and was missing. I am not a pro and have no real need of an A, keeping that just for sentimentality. But I had wanted to restore the B flat and play it! I consulted some top restorers who advised me to abandon the effort, as where would I ever find a broken Buffet of that vintage with hardware I could salvage? And applying more recent hardware would be unlikely to work. Well I am pleased to report that fortune may have struck again: the friend taking care of household disposal found what I hope is all of the hardware, in a plastic bag, inside a jewelry box. I don't know how it got there. The owner was maybe undertaking an adjustment or was going to oil the bore himself, and put the hardware in the bag for "safe keeping." The hardware is being shipped to me and I will take it to the restorer and cross my fingers. After 20 years of waiting and hoping, I am not going to abandon my treasure without a fight. And you had better believe it will be provided for in my will. Don't know exactly whom it will go to, but you'd best believe it will be someone who will keep telling its story and love it as much as I do.

Amy Paul

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: richard smith 
Date:   2018-01-17 19:24

five super TR147s available; third model. all tuned and adjusted by Tom. going to grandson

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: saxlite 
Date:   2018-01-18 03:49

Aw, come on- at least give me the CSVRs....
PS- see you at NAMM

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: EaubeauHorn 
Date:   2018-01-29 21:14

I've had to retire from playing due to long term illness. I have high level instruments in several categories; have left instructions to my brother as to where those are to be consigned. But....there is no guarantee that he will outlive me. I've tried to sell some very good quality amateur stringed instruments, with zero interest shown by the buying public. I'd have to give them away; it appeals to me to give them to a local music program, except for the fact of how the students treat the instruments. They would be basically destroyed within one school year. No one in the family to leave them to, since none of the nieces or nephews are musical. This is a conundrum for me, too.
It just occurred to me that I could give them to a local church that has a fine orchestra....but there are no guarantees that anyone else will recognize that what they have is not just some piece of junk, or that they won't end up in some damp, moldy cellar.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: fromsfca 
Date:   2018-02-02 06:48

Local underprivileged kid in music program.

I’m hopeful the next Charlie Parker will not hock my Selmer Balanced Action alto sax.

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2018-02-03 05:50

donated to local program. With the exception of one clarinet (the one I had in high school that's been with me forever) which will be buried with me as a symbol.


Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: Your clarinets after you die
Author: nellsonic 
Date:   2018-02-03 06:53

EaubeauHorn wrote:

> ....but there are no guarantees that
> anyone else will recognize that what they have is not just some
> piece of junk, or that they won't end up in some damp, moldy
> cellar.

Perhaps you could find a private teacher doing good work who would make sure they end up in the good hands of students who will value them.

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