The Clarinet BBoard
Author: KaiLiau
Date: 2017-09-29 18:01
I'm a returning clarinet player (after a 15 year hiatus) trying to improve myself while waiting for the opportunities to play with either a good symphonic band or orchestra.
Due to the difference between what I hear (when playing) and what's heard further away, I started recording myself (mostly for self evaluation).
I have decent MD + Mic (Sony ECM-MS907, showing my age here....) but I don't like carrying it around with the disks and how cumbersome it is to do any editing. Therefore, I tried using my android phone with a CTIA adapter* to connect the same Mic, while testing reeds.
I noticed artifacts in my recordings with this setup, which are like undertones, especially noticeable in 0:11~15. Anyone knows what caused this and what I can change to eliminate this? All I want is clear enough recording, not necessary costly studio setup.
Secondly, I didn't know about the voicing (eeh VS ah) until recently. Is my voicing too Ah-ish, diffused, or dead? Other than the artifacts, I think the recordings are pretty accurate. I know this is kinda personal but all I wanted is a high level recommendation about the voicing. Another clip below:
*CTIA Adapter:
Post Edited (2017-09-29 21:56)
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Author: Fuzzy
Date: 2017-09-29 20:17
You seem to know what you're doing, and I'm not a pro in this area at all...but I'm curious which audio format you're recording to. Ogg, wav, mp3, etc.? I know early mp3 compression was terrible for woodwinds. Your recording doesn't sound like it has those early mp3 problems...but I wonder if the compression algorithm used might be causing the issue.
Have you tried recording in different audio formats to see if the problem is affected?
(That's about all I have to offer - I'm a one trick pony on this type of topic.) 
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Author: Luisebv
Date: 2017-09-29 20:33
The artifacts you found on your records it's seems a voicing issue, not of the record itself. Not having a correct voicing can cause this things, the most common way to indentify it is recording yourself, a incorrect voicing could produce this "undertone" effect while you are playing. To correct that you need to experimenting while you play to which voicing feets on your tones.
Generally speaking, all the voincing thing comes from your tongue not your embouchure, that's why the teacher's say the "ahh", and "ee" thing.
The most common way are distributed: (ahh, or ohh) for the low notes, (ae like water in French) for the Clarion register, and (ee, ai) for the high and altissimo notes. But this varies from your play and your equipment, that's why you need to experimenting.
BTW, if you want to change you Android rec, for a better cuality I recommend you invest on a handle recorder like tascam dr-05 or zoom h1 / h2, they are great recorders and won't break your bank.
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Author: KaiLiau
Date: 2017-09-29 20:34
Thanks for the reply, Fuzzy.
I am using *.m4a format with pre-installed "voice recorder" app. I don't see options in this app to change format but I tried using "Mid (128kbps, 44.1kHz)" and "High (256kbps, 48kHz)" and both returned the same artifacts.
BTW, I also used the same app with phone's built-in mics and the recordings were actually pretty decent and artifact free, despite of the substantial lack of lower frequencies. I wonder if it is the combination of that adapter cable (taking in only TRS) with my (TRRS) stereo mic. The description of that cable says it will accommodate both TRS or TRRS mics.
Any other thoughts?
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Author: KaiLiau
Date: 2017-09-29 20:57
Thanks for the reply, Luis.
I checked both Tascam Dr-05 and Zoom H1. Which one is better in terms of audio quality and ease of use? H2 is too expensive for me to fix this recording issue.
In terms of voicing, my voicing may need improvement but I doubt it is serious enough to cause these undertones/artifacts.
Two reasons:
1. It is not audible to me and it is not audible either when recorded with a MD and the same Mic.
2. If I understand correctly, the voicing issue in 2nd register serious enough usually cause undertones of its fundamental notes. For example, the most common note to have undertone (for most Bb clarinet) is A6 and the undertone of that is its fundamental note D4, like you forget to press the register key. The A6 will also sound a little flat as a result. The undertones in the recording for the 2nd register don't correspond to the fundamental notes and even notes in the 1st register have these undertones.
Post Edited (2017-09-29 21:10)
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2017-09-29 21:36
I've had my share of recording issues and mysterious noises that it can be difficult to know whether they are "real" or artifacts of technology.
Do you live near a Sam Ash or Guitar Center or similar? Why not stop by with your clarinet (preferably when the store is not full- during a weekday?)- and describe your issue and try out a couple of their toys. I'm thinking the low cost hand held variety. Even without buying anything you ought to learn something, especially if your unwanted sounds come through on other gear.
Edited to add- looks like maybe you've already been down this path. I was hoping you'd get some knowledgeable help, though that can vary.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
Post Edited (2017-09-29 21:38)
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Author: KaiLiau
Date: 2017-09-29 21:45
Thanks Stan.
It's a good idea to try new setup in store. I should add that I only checked those recorders on line (YouTube and Amazon).
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Author: KaiLiau
Date: 2017-10-05 18:18
Bought a Tascam DR-5 (v2, used from eBay) and the artifacts are gone. The built-in mics are pretty good. Here is a recording of me testing a brand new Legere reed.
Thanks for all the helps.
Input about the voicing will be helpful
Post Edited (2017-10-05 18:19)
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