The Clarinet BBoard
Author: TomS
Date: 2017-03-30 17:20
A little extra money in my pocket, old and senseless, and working on a daily "bucket list" I decided to treat myself to another clarinet. I've played a couple of R13 Greenlines in the last few weeks and was very surprised at how well they performed, somewhat different than I remember my last wooden R13. I really didn't want the trouble (famous last words) of testing several clarinets, so I decided to shoot an order off to Muncy Winds for an R13/Greenline/nickle/cork pads. I just put the selection and customization in their hands. When I spoke with Pam, I told her that I liked silver plated keys better, but decided to save a few hundred bucks with nickle.
It took exactly one week from placing my order by phone, thru the selection process, cork pads and adjustment and free UPS ground shipping. Pretty good.
When I received the clarinet, I immediately noticed silver plated keys. I called Pam at Muncy. I stated that they had cheated themselves and I really liked the clarinet and would gladly pay the difference in price. Pam stated that the technician pulled a silver plate clarinet out of stock and was well into it before the mistake was discovered. They finished the instrument, shipped it and just charged me the reduced price of the nickle plating. Are you kidding me? WOW!!!
Muncy has my business.
As far as the new R13, it seems like either I have entirely forgotten how they play, maybe it's the greenline material, or perhaps Buffet has cleaned up their manufacturing. In other words, very surprised and delighted. Dark and very smooth blow. Tuning is pretty darn good, perhaps not at good as my Ridenour instruments, but better than I remember.
I may link to some tuning charts comparing various clarinets I have and perhaps record some sound bytes ... when I have time.
If you haven't checked out a recent vintage R13/greenline, you might. If you haven't test drove a Ridenour, please do. You will be impressed, I think.
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Author: ClarinetRobt
Date: 2017-03-30 19:03
No doubt. They are remarkable people. Pam is the best and I love harassing her. Phil was instrumental in picking out my Buffet years ago. I didn't have the time to wade through countless instruments. I asked Phil to pick the one he'd buy. To this date, that horn is better than I'll ever be. Plus anyone who's ever played it has threatened to steal it from me. It's really a brilliant horn.
Good work Muncy!
~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)
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Author: TomS
Date: 2017-03-30 19:58
Yeah, Muncy rocks!
This horn has exceptional installation of the cork pads ... tapered on the register vent and the pad under the throat A key. Seating is perfect and horn is air-tight top to bottom. Normally I would not order cork pads on wooden clarinets, as the tone holes have to be very clean and level ... that is why we see so many instruments with leather pads nowadays. But greenline and other non-wood clarinets can probably work well with cork ...
The instrument plays with a slightly reminiscent quality of other R13s I've played in the past, but seemingly improved, IMHO ... and I gotta compare with some friends instruments ... but blindfolded, I would not have totally recognized any of the recent vintage R13 greenline clarinet's I've tested in the last few weeks ... much warmth with clarity and smoothness, mine especially. Actually, my Lyrique Libertas has more center and brightness and "projection" ... interesting surprise.
A redesign or cleanup by Buffet, or just my faulty memory?
Post Edited (2017-03-30 20:20)
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