The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ben Shaffer
Date: 2017-03-04 02:55
quick question
I'd like to try out one of these Reeds
so should I go with a standard or the signature model?
I play a 2 and 1/5 M Laurie Cane reed, so what strength Legere?
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Author: Shostakovich
Date: 2017-03-04 04:57
I'd suggest ordering their new European Cut Signature Series. Since it's release it's quickly become their best seller. In my opinion it's a vast improvement over the regular signature.
Although you play a relatively soft reed, you don't want to go too soft with the Legere European reeds. The strength of these synthetics is quite forgiving, and I firmly believe you'll find a thicker reed very playable.
For this reason I'd jump up to a 3.25 or even 3.5.
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2017-03-04 09:42
If you go with the standard Legere I find that they play around a quarter- to half-strength stronger than a Lurie reed. In other words...a standard Legere 2.25 would be a close match to an Lurie 2.5.
Here's the 'gotcha': The standard Legeres do soften up as you play them. You should go with a higher strength, if you can handle it, to accommodate that. I have had Legeres that seemed perfect on first use become unplayably soft during rehearsals and performances.
Were I to take the plunge into Legeres again, I'd buy a second and third Legere of whatever model and strength I found to be the best. That way, I could rotate them if one decided to stall out on me.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2017-03-04 09:55
Finding the right reed is definitely a journey...
I tried tons of Signatures and Euro Signatures and it turns out after all the trial and error that it was the standard reeds that worked for me. Go figure! At least they're cheaper for me here on out!
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Author: ClarinetRobt
Date: 2017-03-04 10:37
Buy from Legere direct and take advantage of complimentary exchange program...minus some shipping.
~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2017-03-04 18:26
Ursa wrote:
> Here's the 'gotcha': The standard Legeres do soften up as you
> play them.
> Were I to take the plunge into Legeres again, I'd buy a second
> and third Legere of whatever model and strength I found to be
> the best. That way, I could rotate them if one decided to
> stall out on me.
They do soften, I suppose from the heat of the player's breath, and after reading other players' comments in the same vein, I've been changing my Légère reed after about an hour of playing. So I need two reeds for a single rehearsal or performance. When I first started using these reeds last summer I did find that they responded differently enough toward the end of a full 2-1/2 hour rehearsal or 2-hour concert that I was uncomfortable with a reed that had been very responsive when the session started.
I have chosen four #4s and four #3.5s and I rotate through them. I do use the different strengths depending on the needs of the music and the acoustics of the playing environment. In rotation, I've been using the same reeds since mid-summer and don't expect to need to replace anything anytime soon.
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