The Clarinet BBoard
Author: jayhong426
Date: 2017-01-11 04:11
So I just went to a music store and I was planning to buy a Buffet crampon festival and they said that they don't have it in stock so they have to special order. They also said something about how the festival has only about 4 or 5 lying around in the U.S in stock in stores. Therefore, it made it impossible to try a few festivals before buying it. Its a music store near my house so I thought it would be easier to get stuff repaired if i need to in the future. What are your thoughts on it? What should I do?
Post Edited (2017-01-11 04:39)
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Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2017-01-11 04:35
You might consider just buying one from Walter Grabner. It may cost a few dollars more, however, I believe he goes over everything with a fine tooth comb and wouldn't let out anything unless it was "just right". (IMHO)
2nd clarinet from top...
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Author: gwie
Date: 2017-01-11 04:46
Let's be honest, most of the music shops out here don't have anything. Whatever their inventory might be has been excessively picked over (as compared to mildly picked over) and they rarely carry anything except the most common models. Only 4-5 in the US? That's totally false, at every major trade show or conference like NAMM, TMEA, or the Midwest Clinic, there's Buffet clarinets of every model including the Festival practically falling from the sky at numerous dealers (not to mention B&H). ALWAYS try before you buy, and if they refuse to let you try them the shop does not deserve your business, period.
I'd recommend making the trek up to RDG Woodwinds in Los Angeles. Call ahead of time to set up an appointment, they usually have dozens of instruments that you can try. Don't limit yourself to the Festival model either, take the opportunity to try the R-13's in nickel-silver, silver, the Vintage model if they have any, the Prestige, and the Tosca. Their number is (323) 463-4930 and their address is 589 North Larchmont Blvd., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90004.
From there, don't limit yourself to Buffet! There are superb instruments made by Yamaha, Selmer, Backun, Uebel, and dozens of other smaller makers. If you take the time to look at some of the feedback left by many members of this BBoard, you will see that great instruments come from many places.
Do you have the assistance of a current or former instructor? I've been teaching clarinet in Irvine for 20+ years and would be happy to help you find an instrument if you need any assistance.
Good luck on your instrument search!
EDIT: Dan's advice to check out Walter's offerings is a great one. He doesn't just make excellent mouthpieces, but also takes the time to select and put up for sale good clarinets!
Post Edited (2017-01-11 04:47)
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Author: ClarinetRobt
Date: 2017-01-11 07:28
If you have a credit card with a nice limit, order several on line and try them. Play, decide, return or keep, repeat. Always great to have a profession (teacher) assist. Muncy Winds was terrific helping me years ago. Phil Muncy hand picked my clarinet and the instrument is amazing. And don't limit yourself to Buffett, there are some terrific (better?) alternatives. Walter is a perfect resource.
~Robt L Schwebel
Mthpc: Behn Vintage
Lig: Ishimori, Behn Delrin
Reed: Legere French Cut 3.75/4, Behn Brio 4
Horns: Uebel Superior (Bb,A), Ridenour Lyrique, Buffet R13 (Eb)
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2017-01-11 08:35
Make an appointment and check out the Yamaha's. Right around the corner from you. I like the CSVR's so much I sold several sets of R13's from the 1960's through 2013. If you want to try one send an email and I'll get you the number of the people.
RDG is OK. The sound room is dead. So you can't tell if you have a good horn or not. Then the horns leak badly. It's frustrating.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
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Author: gwie
Date: 2017-01-11 12:26
I wasn't going to chime in on it until Bob did. 
For the price of a single Buffet Festival clarinet, you can practically get a Bb/A set of Yamaha CSVR clarinets for a smidgen more. Go visit the Atelier, pick out the ones you want, and be sure to communicate with your preferred Yamaha dealer before you go.
Post Edited (2017-01-11 12:26)
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Author: Wes
Date: 2017-01-12 00:08
In the past few years, I've bought Buffet clarinets from Howarth's in London and Matthew's Musiek in Holland at astonishingly low prices. One from Howarth's was perfectly set up, by the way. A Prestige Bb from Matthew's seemed to benefit from some very minor tweeking to fit my large hands, however. There was no duty and no problems.
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-01-14 13:46
A music store will say that to make sure u don't go somewhere else where they do have lots to try.
From what I have heard about buffet. They are quite variable. So better to try a few before making a choice.
However I second the comment about the Yamaha's. I tried the buffet and the US. A-ha side by side. I wouldn't say I thought one was nicer than the other. But I can assure u, the price of one was nicer than the other!
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2017-01-16 18:46
I never recommend buying any clarinet without trying them first. No matter who "sets" them up and "tunes" them for you they did it the way they like it not you. The same with an overhaul. Depending on your mouthpiece and "voicing" you may play the throat tone or the altissimo sharper of flatter than they do and you won't know till you get it. The suggestions of calling around and finding a store that has several in stock or using a mail order store to send you at least three is your best bet.
Many years ago I used to take my students to Vince Marinellies (sp?) because he stocked dozens of clarinets of different makes and models. We would try over a dozen before making a decision. One time while a student was deciding of the 2-3 we choose for him as the best to find the one of he liked to best i decided to try some Selmers, I always played Buffets, on a whim and found one I likes so much I bought it on the spot. I asked him to set it up for me and when he tried it he said he would raise the throat tones, I played it for him with a tuner and showed him not to. He agreed. When I picked it up that next week after he "set' it up with key adjustments etc, it was perfect because he didn't tune it for him he tuned it for me. Not that it needed much tuning, if it did, I never would have bought it. Tuning is the most important aspect of a new clarinet. Lesson, try before you buy.
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