The Clarinet BBoard
Author: hammerclarinet
Date: 2016-05-22 06:11
Hi all,
Does anyone know where I can purchase a copy of the arrangement of the Prokofiev flute sonata for clarinet? I cannot find it anywhere.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2016-05-22 10:18
The Kent Kennan transcription of this piece for clarinet and piano (Schirmer Russian Music) seems to be "permanently out of print." Some players have used other transcriptions but I'm not sure any of those have been commercially printed. lists several university libraries that have copies of the Kennan transcription. It should be possible to arrange with a local library for an interlibrary loan with one of these libraries.
Another possibility is that the Kennan transcription may turn up occassionally on the famous web auction site. I believe I saw it once last year.
Post Edited (2016-05-22 20:40)
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2016-05-22 11:23
I'm not surprised that the Kennan transcription is permanently out of print. It's perfectly fine, but the music is nearly unplayable on clarinet.
I heard Larry Combs give the premier several years ago, and while he certainly played every note, even he was strained by the very high tessitura.
The Prokofiev Sonata works wonderfully on the flute or the violin, but it must be played lyrically even in the stratosphere, which just isn't possible on clarinet.
Ken Shaw
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Author: ClaV
Date: 2016-05-22 16:25
Charles Neidich made some arrangement and plays it very nicely.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2016-05-22 19:41
Ken, was the performance local or where you in Chicago?
............Paul Aviles
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2016-05-22 20:57
On YouTube, Chen Halevi plays elegantly and effortlessly a version of the Prokofiev Sonata that does not shy away from the sustained high altissimo passages. It all sounds so natural that it may be hard to remember he is playing clarinet rather than the originally intended flute.
Search for
Halevi and Shaban Playing Prokofiev Sonata for Clarinet and Piano.
Post Edited (2016-07-17 02:33)
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2016-05-23 04:46
Paul -
I heard Larry's premiere of the Kennan arrangement at the Clarinet Congress in Oberlin, OH in 1985. I'm pretty sure he was still playing Buffets. I don't know which mouthpiece he used, but I met him at the Opperman studio, so Kal may have tweaked it. He used the gigantic Winslow ligature, which played well but ground reeds to pieces. I'm sure he didn't stay with it for long.
Ken Shaw
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Author: hammerclarinet
Date: 2016-05-23 09:49
If anyone has access to the copy of an arrangement, would you be willing to share it? Is my only other option to arrange it myself?
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Author: Alexis
Date: 2016-05-23 11:04
Good recordings of fabio di casola and shirley brill doing it. The Halevi recording is impressive how well he handles the altissimo - the others take more down the octave.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2016-05-23 16:09
You should not have to transcribe the piece yourself. You should be able to get a copy on interlibrary loan from your local public library in Tinley Park, Illinois (708) 532-0160.
Here is a list of university and college music libraries that have the Kent Kennan clarinet and piano transcription of the Prokofiev Sonata in their collection. Note that in nearby Indiana, Indiana State University in Terre Haute, DePauw University Libraries in Greencastle, and Indiana University in Bloomington all have a copy of this sheet music.
Your local public library should be able to get an INTERLIBRARY LOAN of this sheet music for you for free. Just show them a copy of the list of school libraries that have it from the link below:
Most public libraries throughout the U.S. do this service routinely. You just have to ask. Also, Indiana University Library is only about 113 miles from Tinley Park, so you could call them directly to see if you could visit and make a copy of the Kent Kennan transcription without even using the interlibrary loan service. One phone number for that library is (812) 855-2970.
Post Edited (2016-05-25 16:21)
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Author: Wes
Date: 2016-05-25 09:23
It is a great piece and it has some difficult spots, even for the flute. One can try it on the C clarinet and I went through it with mine. The difficult spots include the double tongued passages on the first page and some of the later parts where it has some high Bs. With a soft reed, I found those Bs hard to get to speak. Much of it is accessible with the C clarinet in the original key which allows the use of the original piano music, advantageous because that is easily available.
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Author: Marieteclarinete
Date: 2022-03-26 20:41
I have seen the sheet in IMSLP. Take a look here, in arrangements:,_Op.94_(Prokofiev,_Sergey)
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Author: Chris Sereque
Date: 2022-03-27 18:59
It is possible to play it lyrically! But first prepare oneself by trashing through some flute duets (such as Kuhlau) with a competent friend. Clarinetists don’t have etudes that go that high, but flutists have Andersen studies, which they consider too be easy and too low tesitura.
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2022-03-27 19:49
Sounds like a good Eb option - not too many nice Eb solos in the market repertoire.
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2022-03-30 03:53
I performed this many years ago and wouldn't recommend anyone play this piece. I could play it just fine in practice and rehearsals. In the performance, I knew I was in trouble on the first repeat of the first movement. Nowhere to breathe, incredibly difficult leaps, etc... and it's long. I say enjoy the recordings available and play more clarinet friendly music.
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Author: JulianBliss
Date: 2022-04-20 07:09
I made an arrangement which I then recorded.
Hoping to publish the arrangement soon
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