The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Agomongo
Date: 2016-04-25 06:36
So it seems like Drucker has edited a newer version of the Klose Method book, but now when people tell me pages they work out of they don't like up anymore. Does anyone know what exercises are on page 123 and 126-127? Can I have a name please? Thank you!
Post Edited (2016-04-25 06:42)
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2016-04-25 18:40
Are you referring to pages in the Drucker book or the original Klose book?
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2016-04-25 20:03
There have been many editions through the years of the Klose method that both added and omitted material. Leduc did a monster reworking of it, in 5 parts no less, with everything but the kitchen sink added. It seems that rather than going back to have a look at the original French edition (way way earlier than the Leduc one, of course) or even a manuscript copy, if one exists, the Druckers used the well-known (at least in the US) "revised and enlarged" Simeon Bellison edition as their stepping off point.
Agomongo, in the Bellison edition I have (Carl Fisher 1946), page 123 presents the "Major and Minor Scales" with "Daily Practice of Diatonic Scales (Major and Minor) and Exercises on Triads, Dominant Sevenths, Diminished Sevenths, etc." On pages 124-125 is a "Chromatic Exercise," followed by "Scales in Thirds, Major and Minor" on pages 126 to 127.
I remember playing these from the old C. L Staats edition (Carl Fisher 1930) of the Klose Method when I was in 8th grade. That edition had more of an eccentric "curiosity shop" look to it with photos of Staats and his clarinet and all sorts of odd notes and memoranda on trill fingerings that Bellison swept out in his edition.
Post Edited (2016-05-09 21:49)
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Author: Agomongo
Date: 2016-04-27 01:32
If that's the case I'll probably have to email the professor and ask specifically which pages he's referring to. Thanks!
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