The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Tami
Date: 2016-02-05 08:58
Name your favorite High School level mouthpieces?
I have a student playing on a Buffet E-11 clarinet and a M13 mouthpiece. She has a HUGE tone and it needs to be "reigned-in." Any suggestions for a mouthpiece change?
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Author: Exiawolf
Date: 2016-02-05 09:00
I don't think a mouthpiece change is required. Try a harder reed first to check
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2016-02-05 13:21
M13 isn't exactly known as a loud mouthpiece. Common "high school" alternates such as the Vandoren 5RV, 5RV Lyre, B45, Portnoy BPO1, and others can generate even more volume more easily.
If your student is getting a huge tone out of a E11 with an M13, that is really quite a fine accomplishment for both of you. Pat yourself on the back!
Would you kindly expand upon what exactly needs reining in? Is she having trouble playing with control, or at a good piano/pianissimo?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2016-02-05 16:25
I'd say just have the student play softer.....where appropriate. Having more dynamic range (which is what you have when you can play louder) is a good thing.
And my recommendation for a high school student mouthpiece (or any student, or professional) would be the Vandoren M13 (well, at least on the short list).
.....................Paul Aviles
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Author: Tobin
Date: 2016-02-05 16:34
A huge tone is a problem? Or do you mean that the focus spreads?
Gnothi Seauton
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Author: kdk
Date: 2016-02-05 18:02
First, I don't know what you mean by a "High School level mouthpiece." They aren't made or marketed that way and are used by professionals and students at all levels. The mouthpiece isn't making her play so that she needs to be "reigned-in." If the problem is that she's playing too loud, she needs to learn to play softer. If it's a blast-y, spread tone, she needs to learn better technique.
Her reeds need to be a good match to the facing. What reeds is she using? M13 is their closest long-curved facing. If she's using soft reeds on it, she'll have control problems. It's possible she'd be more comfortable playing on a different Vandoren facing - shorter and/or more open, but that's not so much a change as a lateral arabesque within the Vandoren universe and could only be determined by trial and error.
That's not to say that there isn't a mouthpiece out there that she'd like better and even sound better with, but there's nothing she can't learn to do well on the M13 she already has.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2016-02-05 19:41
I'm not sure if you are writing about tone or volume. Either way it's all about control. If she has a great tone then why would you want to "reign it in"?
If she's too loud teach her how to control it. I'd say the M13 would be a pretty good mouthpiece for a student or for anyone else. Just teach her how to control it.
Tony F.
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Author: maxopf
Date: 2016-02-05 20:10
I'm still in high school (getting ready to study clarinet in college), but in my freshman year I played an M13 Lyre, which worked well for me. I then played on a Clark Fobes CWF and an M15 before settling on a Clark Fobes CF, which I have been very happy with. I have no intent of changing anytime soon.
My guess is that it's a matter of control rather than which mouthpiece she's using. All my mouthpieces have been different enough to warrant switching, but I still sound like me no matter what I play.
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Author: TAS
Date: 2016-02-05 20:49
The best student (ms/hs) mouthpiece is the Theodore Johnson TJ1.
Relatively unknown, Ted was for many years (38+) in the Cleveland Orchestra and s Jerome Stowell Chicago Symphony clarinet guru-trained). You can purchase one for around $35.00. Check Amazon.
I play on his TJ3+ (more expensive/Zimmer blank). I used Cicero Kaper mouthpieces for years as I was born and rased five blocks from his home and used to go over and watch him make mouthpieces. I play professionally in a tier two symphony and solo clarinet in a super-regional symphonic wind ensemble,
Both mouthpieces are quite superior to the Vandoren as they are original Kasper facings with added tweaks.
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Author: Tami
Date: 2016-02-09 09:29
Thank you for your advice. Which do you prefer? B45 or M13 She is playing on Vandoren Rue Lepic 3.5+ I think her tone is fine, she is just loud.
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