The Clarinet BBoard
Author: grifffinity
Date: 2015-07-01 08:08
I usually lighten up my reeds in the summer...using Gonzalez Regular Cut 4.0 throughout most of the year, but drop to the 3.75 during the heavy humidity of summer. The last time I purchased the 3.75 strength must have been a couple years ago at least. I find Gonzalez reeds last a long time.
Anyway, it appears that Gonzalez no longer makes 3.75 strength. The only place I've seen them listed (and only sold as a duo) is Weiner Music.
Does anyone know of a music store still selling 3.75 in a box of 10? It was probably an odd strength and most people are either 3.5 or 4.0...but still, disappointed that it appears to be discontinued.
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