The Clarinet BBoard
Author: KristLaurs
Date: 2015-06-21 04:26
Do other players find their embouchure leaks more on certain notes? I don't have air escape from my embouchure very often but when I do I find it is usually toward the top of the third partial rather than very low or high notes. Does anyone have any reason or remedy for why this might happen?
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2015-06-21 06:31
The reed only vibrates at the very tip when in the third register. This may in part explain why we have a tendency to pinch or bite the reed more up there (because we can get away with it and there are legitimate reasons to take more control of the embouchure in that range). If you are using more of a "smile" approach to the embouchure (corners; corners up and back), this can easily lead to air leaking from those corners. What you need to do is engage your cheek muscles more (what you use to try and suck a thick shake through a straw), drawing the sides of your mouth more down and out (hugging the diameter of the mouthpiece like a rubber band).
Often times some experimentation (short spurts, nothing too serious) with double lip embouchure can cure a LOT of those ills.
..................Paul Aviles
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Author: kthln.hnsn
Date: 2015-06-21 19:42
I'm assuming KristLaurs means the altissimo register. Perhaps you jut need to practice in that register more. Watch yourself in a mirror and see if you notice your embouchure changing when you get to the higher register.
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2015-06-22 22:07
High C might be the offending note. This note is challenging as the thumb is pushing out without much opposition. You can make sure your right thumb is pulling up a bit to secure things. A neck strap might also help. Check the clarinet angle as well.
Freelance woodwind performer
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