The Clarinet BBoard
Author: williamalex54
Date: 2015-06-09 19:31
The soloist will be Olli Leppäniemi.
The Danish National Symphony is playing a special concert on Tuesday June 9 at 19h30 Central European in honor of the 150th birthday of Carl Nielsen. That is 6:30pm London, 1:30pm Eastern, 12:30pm Central, 10:30am Paciific Time.
I would NOT count on a VIDEO archive, but the audio may be.
DIRECT LINK TO VIDEO...YOU MUST START THE PLAYER...if it doesn't work in one browser try another...
Tirsdag 9. juni kl. 19.30 CET i P2 - streames LIVE her på siden
Carl Nielsen 150 år - gallakoncert direkte fra Koncerthuset, hvor Danmarks store komponist fejres på sin runde fødselsdag. Carl Nielsen: Hymnus Amoris. Carl Nielsen: Klarinetkoncert. Carl Nielsen: Symfoni nr. 4, Det Uudslukkelige. Olli Leppäniemi, klarinet. Clara Ek, sopran. David Danholt, tenor m.fl. DR KoncertKoret. Københavns Drengekor. DR SymfoniOrkestret. Dirigent: Juanjo Mena. Koncerten sendes også direkte på DR K.
Post Edited (2015-06-09 21:59)
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2015-06-09 22:56
I just listened to it. It's the best performance I've ever heard -- very lyrical with only a bit of madness. The snare drummer was wearing a medal and deserved it. He was totally integrated into the ensemble, complementing as well as challenging Leppäniemi and commenting on phrases from other sections of the orchestra. This was by far the most lyrical performance I've heard, even more so than the original Cahuzac recording and with the complete technical assurance that Cahuzac couldn't muster.
Other recordings are too mad (Ib Erickson), too show-offy (Drucker) or make it sound too easy (Sabine Meyer).
There was a nice interview, in English, with Leppäniemi after the performance.
He did a bit of double tonguing and circular breathing, all with no fanfare. His clarinet was a Buffet Prestige and he was pretty clearly using a plain-vanilla non-inverted Bonade ligature and a thin pad on top of the mouthpiece. His embouchure was unusual, with part of his lower lip outside of his teeth.
I hadn't realized how small the orchestra was -- half-compliment strings (except for a full double bass section), 2 bassoon 2 horns and snare drum.
If there's an archive, I'll definitely download it.
Ken Shaw
Post Edited (2015-06-09 23:04)
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Author: ClaireAnnette
Date: 2015-06-09 23:49
Just found video on this
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Author: ClaireAnnette
Date: 2015-06-09 23:53
Oh another thing, I love the way this conductor mouthed thank you smiles to EACH section he asked to stand after program. And to audience. And he looked like he meant it. He appreciated the hard work. What a pleasant thing to see. Not as if, you guys are paid to play, so you are expected to I tend to see most of the time.
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