The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jobro97
Date: 2015-03-15 20:04
With solo and ensemble just ending my friend and i decided to challenge ourselves for next year and to compete at state, so any pieces that would be a challenge would be great preferably less known and not performed often, thank you.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2015-03-15 20:55
Rubank/Voxman Selected Duets for Clarinets (Volume I (easy) or II (advanced)).
Well, if you're in for a challenge, take the advanced then. If not for a competition, they're at least good for keeping you in shape.
(Admittedly, I have no clue about the level you're playing at)
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Author: maxopf
Date: 2015-03-15 21:08
The Poulenc sonata for 2 clarinets is a fairly challenging duet. One person must have an A clarinet, though.
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Author: tacet
Date: 2015-03-15 23:42
You have of course checked out IMSLP, haven't you?
So maybe you have seen it -- but then maybe not ... there is one item that may fit the bill of "not performed often" nicely. Namely the (neatly written) period manuscript of a "Grand Duo" by Alessandro Rolla.,_Alessandro%29
I have only stumbled across this and not yet tried it myself. BUT this actually seems to be a set or bravura variations on the very theme (from "L' amor marinaro") that also underlies the last movement of the Beethoven trio.
Given that Rolla has a bit of a reputation for his effective duos and trios, and that this piece does not seem to be available in print, I reckon it might be worth a look -- in particular when the plan is to impress a jury with something unusual.
Post Edited (2015-03-15 23:44)
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Author: mankan
Date: 2015-03-15 23:52
Crusell Three duets. As a swede I must recommend them. Nice music!
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Author: Jobro97
Date: 2015-03-15 23:54
Well as for level not sure what to say, we're we were both in the Oregon all state wind symphony and in the Salem all-city he took 2nd chair and I took 5th
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Author: Philip Caron
Date: 2015-03-16 01:30
Ken - coincidentally, just yesterday I felt so weary of the long grind of technical work that I took a "holiday", by opening my grandfather's ragged old hard-bound copy of the Lazarus method. I played through a lot of stuff in about 90 minutes, including the 3rd of the Three Grand Concert duets, most of both parts (that's the one titled "Robert Le Diable".) Ah, such a wealth of expressive melody, and so encouraging of beautiful playing. I may never play those with another clarinetist, but it was a perfect way to play hooky.
The Langenus method part 3 also contains some good duets, including transcriptions of Beethoven and Mozart, plus others by Berr, Muller, and Langenus.
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Author: Filettofish
Date: 2015-03-16 01:39
I've been sightreading the Pleyel duets with my teacher - magnificent studies, and interesting little pieces. Performing them would be fun.
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Author: davyd
Date: 2015-03-16 04:58
Why not go for Baroque? There's the 6 flute duets and 6 canonic sonatas by Telemann. You won't use the low register, but there's enough going on elsewhere to keep you interested.
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Author: shadow1
Date: 2015-03-16 09:29
Freebirds by Scott McAllister. Most both be able to slide gliss beyond a C with two ledger lines.
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Author: pewd
Date: 2015-03-16 18:29
Ernesto Cavallini; Three Grand Artistic Duets for Two Clarinets,
edited by D. Hite. Southern Music # B-538
Seven Grand Concert Duets for Two Clarinets
Edited by D. Hite. Southern Music # B-521
31 Selected Duets for Two Clarinets, book 2 (intermediate-advanced)
Edited by Jay Arnold. Edward Schuberth & Co., Inc.
Music for Two Clarinets
(in 3 volumes)
arr. Daniel Kelley
Last Resort Music Publishing
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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Author: pewd
Date: 2015-03-16 18:32
From the Baroque
Duets for Clarinet
edited by H. Voxman
Rubank (Hal Leonard)
isbn 0-634-09417-3
hal leonard's catalog number: HL04470005
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2015-03-16 21:35
The Magnani duets are quite nice, and very neglected, except for the few easy ones in the first volume of the Rubank Selected Duets (yellow book). This is probably because they seem to be available only in a very expensive oversized import volume of his clarinet method. However, they are also on IMSLP.
I second the recommendations for the Crussel and Poulenc. There are good performances of both on youtube. There's a great live performance of the Poulenc with Charles Neidich there.
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Author: Katfish
Date: 2015-03-17 17:46
War horse Overtures - JB Linear Music. It is a collection of opera overtures like William Tell. Lots of fun.
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