The Clarinet BBoard
Author: oian
Date: 2015-03-11 02:24
I just got an American Pedler clarinet sn. 45178. The wood seems to be in good shape. In the case was an adjustable barrel with a threaded ring to change the length. Any comments on that type of barrel. I don't know much about that brand of clarinet, but it didn't cost that much and the wood seems to be in good shape with no cracks. It might be a good instrument to practice a re-build on? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated
Thanks, John
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2015-03-11 07:23
It's possible that a Pedler clarinet is old enough to be a High Pitch instrument. Look for the letters LP (for Low Pitch) stamped somewhere on the clarinet or use a tuner to be sure that it plays at a modern A=440 Hertz before investing time in a rebuild.
Pedler made some intermediate and professional instruments in their early years, but as the years passed their model lineup shifted more towards student-level clarinets. I believe the "American" is one of Pedler's student models.
Regarding the barrel: As with any barrel, if it tunes accurately and sounds nice, by all means use it.
Post Edited (2015-03-11 07:34)
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